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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 17, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 27 <br />Council member Loo asked if the Boulder bound bus stop at McCaslin is going to be <br />completed; there is what looks like a temporary fence. It seems the pedestrian sidewalk <br />and bike lane are getting confused. <br />Henry Stobblecamp, RTD, noted they are aware of the situation. The fence is in place to <br />keep pedestrians out of the bike lane <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton thanked RTD for the great projects that have benefitted <br />Louisville <br />Mayor Muckle thanked RTD for stepping up and making the diverging diamond work <br />with transit enhancements. <br />He felt the resolution encouraged all to stay engaged and be good partners as well as <br />supporting the North Area Mobility Study (NAMS) in asking RTD to continue to evaluate <br />the Northwest Rail Line. <br />Colorado Senator Matt Jones thanked Council member Loo for bringing up the fence <br />issue at the bus stop, he had wondered about it, too. He noted the history of Fastracks, <br />the votes gathered for it and what he saw as a deficit in spending on the northwest <br />corridor. He wanted to remain aggressive in urging RTD to finish this rail line Bus <br />Rapid Transit (BRT) is great, other projects are great, but there is a need to continue to <br />push and collaborate to get the rail line done. He suggested moving the completion date <br />for the rail line in the resolution up from 2035 to 2026. <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Choke Cherry Drive, Louisville, CO addressed RTD and <br />suggested leaving the high occupancy lane on US 36 at HOV 2 instead of increasing to <br />HOV 3 as a simple, low cost way to ease the traffic pain. <br />Debby Fahey, 1118 W. Enclave Circle, Louisville, CO agreed with Mr. Menaker <br />concerning the HOV lane. She noted the increase in bus ridership with the Flatiron <br />Flyer and felt the train would see the same result. <br />MOTION: <br />Council member Stolzmann moved to approve Resolution No. 26, Series 2016 <br />amending the date of 2035 to 2026, seconded by Council member Maloney. All in <br />favor. <br />Mayor Muckle thanked RTD and Senator Jones for attending Mr Sisk thanked Mayor <br />Muckle for recently convening a Louisville luncheon for former mayors. <br />UPDATE — RECREATION /SENIOR CENTER AND AQUATICS <br />EXPANSION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE AND <br />DESIGN CONCEPTS <br />