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Board of Adjustment <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> March 16, 2016 <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br /> Campbell says I am still not convinced that this property has a unique hardship. It is not the <br /> smallest lot in the subdivision. I don't think it is unique. I would not support this because it <br /> doesn't meet criterion #1. <br /> Meseck says in my brief research of it, it appears that the only other property similar to it is the <br /> property directly north. After that, the homes were set further into the neighborhood. I feel we <br /> are splitting hairs in saying one or two properties make something unique. I would err on the <br /> side that two homes in the entire subdivision like this make it a pretty unique condition. Some of <br /> the letters stated that it is not just this subdivision. Is it unique within Louisville? In most cases, <br /> people are able to build a reasonably-sized deck off their existing property. <br /> Reopen public hearing: <br /> Larson says I'd like to answer your question, Mr. Campbell, on ► ip. If I were to follow the <br /> letter of the law as far as setbacks, the existing deck would be `'" ,e legally built outside the <br /> patio door. That, to me, would be a hardship. <br /> Campbell says I walked around the property. There is no .rec there <br /> Meseck says I assume it has been removed. <br /> Larson says to fully answer the question, I received a signed letter from th:�, ing director of <br /> building and planning saying that all matters have been approved, and your • has been <br /> approved. Therefore, I took down the remnants of the deck, thinking that I needed to add some <br /> sheathing behind it versus the foam that was there. It was a fairly inferior deck. I was under a <br /> full understanding that this was approved until I had a conversation with Scott on Monday. He <br /> said the letter was actually in error. I am trying to do whatever is correct in Louisville. I want to <br /> build a nice place. <br /> Robinson says I talked to Mr. Larson on Monday. There was a miscommunication. I stand by <br /> what was in the letter, but I understand how he could have been confused. The letter said the lot <br /> coverage variance was approved for the deck, the cantilevers, and the porch. It did not mention <br /> the rear setback. I should have been clearer when I sent out that letter in that it was just for the <br /> lot coverage issue. We still needed to go back for the setback. <br /> Campbell asks Mr. Larson if the letter clearly stated that everything was approved. <br /> Larson says it said "deck"; all items approved. I did not bring the letter with me. I am not trying <br /> to embarrass Staff. I understood it was approved so I took it down and recycled the materials. <br /> Stuart says you did not need a demo permit to remove the deck. <br /> Robinson says the language of the letter was that the lot coverage variance for the cantilevers, <br /> front porch, and rear deck had been approved. It did not mention any setback issues. <br /> understand why there was confusion and apologize for not being clearer in my email. The <br /> variance approval letter I sent accurately represented what was approved at the February <br /> meeting. <br /> Public Hearing Closed/Board Discussion: <br /> Stuart made a motion to accept 175 Lois Drive—Variance Request—A request for a variance <br /> from Section 17.12.040 of the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) for relief from rear setback and <br /> maximum lot coverage requirements to allow additions to the front porch, rear deck, and second <br /> story, Ewy seconded the motion. <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> James Stuart Yes <br /> Leslie Ewy Yes <br /> Gunnar Malmquist Absent <br /> Andrew Meseck Yes <br /> Thomas DeJong Yes <br /> Lowell Campbell No <br /> Motion passed: 4 to 5 <br />