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Open Space Advisory Board <br /> Minutes <br /> June 8th 2016 <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> He didn't want to see it broadly-written allowing funds to be diverted towards other City <br /> projects. <br /> Linda, Helen, and Mike liked the plans and expressed their shared opinion that <br /> this project is needed. Graeme commented that he never feels crowded at the Rec. <br /> Center during the times he is there. Helen liked the idea of facilitating food truck access <br /> to the Rec. Center rather than trying to sell concessions. <br /> Linda felt it might be wise to express to the citizens how building costs would <br /> increase if the City waits on this project. <br /> Graeme wants to preserve the cricket field in the "bowl" below the Rec. Center. <br /> IX. Discussion Item: Criteria Discussion and Draft Ranking of Candidate Open <br /> Space Properties— <br /> Helen suggested a few criteria changes to OSAB's traditional property ranking <br /> spreadsheet. She felt that there has been some confusion about the board's rubric <br /> when she discussed them with City Council members. Helen's new suggestions give <br /> more value to the "Strategic" value, since she thought this is how Council thinks about <br /> properties. She also added definitions for each criterion. Laura suggested that <br /> agricultural language should be added to the "Conservation/Restoration Potential" <br /> category, since sometimes land can be restored to production, but not native prairie. <br /> Graeme wanted to make sure the board gives more weight to larger pieces of land, <br /> since larger parcels generally have larger ecological value. Joe commented that City <br /> Council would like OSAB to comment on lower-priority land that is currently for sale. <br /> Helen responded that it shouldn't really change the intrinsic property rankings if the land <br /> is currently available. Mike agreed and added his opinion that the board would want <br /> lower priority properties also, if there were enough funding. Graeme commented that a <br /> lot of the properties have a much greater value when they are bundled together. Helen <br /> agreed that we don't want property "islands." Helen hopes that having the properties <br /> "sub-numbered" might with this. Ember suggested that she and Helen could re-code the <br /> properties (e.g. the Paradise Lane properties) to clarify their relationship to each other. <br /> The board agreed to a re-coding. Helen mentioned that she also wants to make a <br /> booklet about the properties, where each open parcel in Louisville is pictured and <br /> described. Helen proposed that the board do their own rating activity as homework, <br /> which would also serve to get absent members' input. Ember is going to email the <br /> property-rating spreadsheet and directions to the board members to complete at home. <br /> She and Helen will compile the results before the next meeting. <br /> X. Discussions Items for Next Meeting on July 13th— <br /> A. Discuss and finalize scoring of the property ranking exercise. <br /> B. Final discussion of the Grove at Harper Lake's Fencing Proposal. <br /> C. Review Draft Interpretive Education Panels for Harper Lake. <br /> E. Discussion Items for Joint Meeting with PPLAB in August. <br /> G. Letter to Council and possible plan for attendance at Council Meetings. <br /> Xl. Adjourn— <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9:43 pm. <br /> 5 <br />