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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 14, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />the development are under construction with permits issued for 14 buildings and 3 <br />buildings currently under review. The current PUD includes 191 residential units and <br />5,977 square feet of commercial area with areas of the project site reserved for future <br />phases of development. The General Development Plan (GDP) allows up to 231 <br />residential units and 64,488 square feet of commercial development. The first phase is <br />heavy on the residential and the future phases are intended to be heavy on the <br />commercial. <br />The applicant proposes four of the nine units on the ground floor of the live /work <br />building adjacent to Hecla Dr., replacing 3,100 square feet of commercial area in this <br />building. The proposal also includes increasing the live /work building from a two -story to <br />three -story building. The building height will increase only slightly from 32' -0" to 32' -8" <br />due to a decrease in ceiling heights. <br />The application proposes the additional five units within the community center building, <br />which would be changed from a one -story to a two -story structure in order to <br />accommodate the additional units. The building height would increase from 19'5" to <br />30' 1 ". <br />A total of 31 parking spaces would be required for Planning Area 1 under the proposed <br />PUD amendment. The proposal includes 38 parking spaces. <br />Staff recommends approval with no conditions. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Chokecherry Drive, Louisville, CO thanked Council for <br />taking this off the consent agenda and noted it was in reply to a question he asked. He <br />stated staff answered the question thoroughly and he appreciated the responsive of <br />Council and staff. <br />APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br />Ian Swallow, with Boulder County Housing, 2525 13th Street, Boulder, CO noted the <br />proposal asks to move 9 residential units from the future phase of development up to <br />the current phase, adding a second story to the community building; as well as 4 -one <br />bedroom units to the live /work building. The housing authority had heard from the <br />community there was a need for one bedroom units, especially from the senior <br />population and persons with disabilities. The flex place was to be shared with Art <br />Underground; they have found another place making the need for that commercial <br />space not the same. The additional affordable units seemed like a benefit to the <br />project. <br />Mayor Muckle asked if a comparable number of units were now not going to be built in <br />other parts of Area A. <br />