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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 14, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />• Expansion is more costly than new construction. <br />Proposed Assistance: <br />• 50% rebate of City Building Permit Fees <br />— $5,300 value <br />• 50% rebate of Construction Use Taxes <br />— $5,500 value <br />• Incentives capped at $12,500. <br />• Meets the general criteria of the BAP Program <br />— Retention and expansion of jobs, <br />— Project utilizes and existing building, <br />— Encouraging the diversity of jobs or employment opportunities, <br />— Value added by moving the company's corporate headquarters to the city, <br />Project conforms to the comprehensive plan <br />Action Requested: Resolution approving a Business Assistance Package with GBS <br />Partners, Inc. doing business as Boulder Sausage. <br />Mayor Muckle asked if the applicant would like to make any comments. <br />APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br />Jim Burton, CEO of GBS Partners, Inc. noted they have been in Louisville since 1994 <br />and have outgrown their facility. He noted the total investment in this project would <br />likely be in excess of $1.5 million. The plan is to not only add the building space, but to <br />add a large refrigerated production area and a second production line. <br />Mr. Burton stated the company is pleased to be in Louisville, would like to continue to be <br />here and they are appreciative of any assistance. <br />Mayor Muckle called for public comment and hearing none called for Council comment. <br />MOTION: Council member Keany moved to approve Resolution No. 29, Series 2016 <br />seconded by Council member Loo. <br />Council member Stolzmann was in favor of the motion, noted it meets the criteria and <br />felt it would be great if the company stayed in Louisville. Mayor Muckle agreed. <br />Roll CaII vote 6 -0. Motion carries. Council member Leh absent. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1720, SERIES 2016 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION <br />4.03.060 OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING LIABILITY FOR <br />VIOLATIONS OF OPEN SPACE REGULATIONS — 2 "d Reading — Public Hearing <br />Mayor Muckle requested a City Attomey introduction. <br />City Attorney Light introduced Ordinance No. 1720, Series 2016. <br />Mayor Muckle opened the public hearing and called for a staff presentation. <br />