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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 7, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked for paving to be discussed first as it will drive much of the <br />rest of the CIP discussion. He asked for another $1 million dollars to be put towards <br />paving in 2018. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked for the $2 5 million for the pavement booster that was <br />removed in 2018 should be put back in with cuts elsewhere. City Manager Fleming <br />stated that could be done but it would remove most all of the general government <br />capital items. <br />Councilmember Loo asked for information on how the impact fees are spent and if they <br />are dedicated to certain programs. Director Watson stated yes, they are dedicated and <br />they have to be spent on growth -related projects. If not spent in six years, the funds <br />have to be refunded. Councilmember Loo stated she wanted to be certain we are <br />spending the impact fees to the greatest extent allowable. Councilmember Keany asked <br />if in future presentations items that are paid for by impact fees be easily identifiable <br />Councilmember Loo asked that CIP projects associated with grant funds be clearly <br />identified on the CIP sheet. She added the maintenance costs for some projects aren't <br />clear. Director Watson noted the grant funds are only listed on the line items if a grant is <br />assured. If the funding is possible but is not already approved, that amount is not <br />included. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated the city survey results showed street maintenance is <br />clearly the most important thing citizens are asking for and should be prioritized over <br />other things. <br />City Manager Fleming asked that as the group goes through projects they should be <br />clear what should be cut or pushed back, particularly if they want $2.5 million moved to <br />paving. <br />Mayor Muckle stated his belief that while residents want paving, it does not mean they <br />want everything else cut. It should be a high priority, but doesn't have to be done at the <br />expense of everything else <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he thought quiet zones could be moved to 2019 to help <br />fund paving. Deputy City Manager Balser noted most of the cost of that is grant funded, <br />the City's portion is about $300,000, not enough to fund paving. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton <br />asked if Burlington Northern will actually be available to do this in 2018. Deputy City <br />Manager Balser said this is a best guess <br />Councilmember Loo stated she would like all of the wayfinding removed. It is a great <br />deal of money and it is not a good use. City Manager Fleming stated based on the <br />previous budget discussion; he tried to remove wayfinding from most every request and <br />tried to put focus on the trail connections. <br />11 <br />