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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 7, 2016 <br />Page 8of11 <br />Mayor Muckle asked if the Council would like to see a smoothing of the paving or if they <br />want the entire $2.5 million added back in to 2018 with cuts to offset that cost. He stated <br />he supported smoothing it and adding some back in 2018 but not the entire $2.5 million. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated it depends on what overall condition the Council <br />wants the streets to be. City Manager Fleming noted that as presented the 5 -year plan <br />will get every street above a 35 OCI which was the number the Council previously <br />agreed upon. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton supported a smoothing across the 5 years. He stated he would <br />like to see about $1.5 million added back in 2018. He stated he doesn't want to go back <br />on the commitment to making street maintenance a priority. He suggested staff remove <br />non-essential items to pay for it. <br />City Manager Fleming asked for clarification whether the Council wants $1.5 million or <br />$2.5 million in 2018 for the pavement booster program. Councilmember Keany <br />suggested moving $1.5 million from 2021 to 2018. There was consensus to have staff <br />bring back a proposal to add an estimated $1.5 - $2 million for paving in 2018 along with <br />coordinated cuts. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton noted there are a lot of projects that aren't even in the 5 -year <br />plan. There simply is not enough funding to go around and we have to accept those <br />limitations. <br />Councilmember Loo noted she didn't want public safety items cut. She doesn't want to <br />see quality of life projects included at the expense of public safety projects. Regarding <br />public works, she added there are many consultant costs included in the CIP and she <br />would like to see more details about what they are for. She thought water acquisition <br />should be done whenever water rights are available, not wait until out years. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated public safety is important but it needs to be looked at as <br />critically as anything else and we need to see the Police Master Plan to understand <br />what is really needed. <br />The following suggestions were made for each fund. <br />Open Space <br />• Councilmember Stolzmann would like open space zoning moved to earlier <br />years as the zoning is required by the Charter She wants to see a real <br />commitment to getting this done. She suggested removing the bird <br />camera and new truck to pay for it. Councilmember Loo, Mayor Muckle <br />and Councilmember Leh agreed there is a need to make a good faith <br />effort on this. <br />• Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated we should revisit the transfer from the <br />General Fund to the Open Space fund to see if it is warranted for next <br />14 <br />