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Cityot <br />im Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />AGENDA ITEM 3 <br />SUBJECT: <br />BUDGET SCHEDULE AND 2017-2021 REVISED CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP): CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND <br />DATE: AUGUST 9, 2016 <br />PRESENTED BY: MALCOLM FLEMING, CITY MANAGER <br />KEVIN WATSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR <br />HEATHER BALSER, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER <br />SUMMARY: <br />Staff will first review the proposed schedule and approach for the remaining budget <br />meetings this year to ensure the schedule and approach are what Council desires. <br />Next staff will review the revised 2017-2021 CIP for projects funded from the Capital <br />Projects Fund. On June 9t" Council reviewed and made numerous comments on the <br />City Manager's recommended CIP. The minutes from that meeting are attached. <br />Based on those comments staff has revised the recommended CIP and wants to <br />confirm the updated CIP reflects Council's interests. To facilitate review, during this <br />meeting staff will focus on the 80 projects for which Departments requested funding <br />from the Capital Projects Fund. Then on August 30, staff will focus on the roughly 80 <br />remaining capital projects Departments requested funding from all other Funds. <br />The attached CIP information includes: <br />A summary table of staff's recommendations for projects that would be funded from <br />the Capital Projects Fund. This table lists all Department requests with amounts <br />highlighted in red indicating the City Manager's proposed reduction to the <br />Department's request for that year, and amounts highlighted in green indicating the <br />City Manager's proposed increase in funding compared to the Department's request <br />for that year. <br />Detailed CIP project sheets that include a description of each project; the <br />Department's justification for the request; the amount, timing and source of funding; <br />and other information. Note: to reduce staff time associated with revisions to the <br />timing and/or fund source for each project, staff has not changed the numbers on <br />those project sheets where the City Manager's recommendation differs from the <br />Department's original request. Staff has highlighted those sheets. Based on <br />Council's direction during this meeting those project sheets will be updated with the <br />final numbers and incorporated into the City Manager's recommended 2017-2018 <br />budget. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />