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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 2016 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Members discussed the CTC road connection. Councilmember Loo stated the City <br />should invest in this. Members didn't think this is a priority for the City to fund, but that <br />the CTC Owner's Association should pay for it. <br />Members agreed the South Boulder Road/Main Street underpass needs to be <br />discussed further and staff should continue to look for other revenue sources to pay for <br />it. <br />Members agreed the Dillon Road quiet zone should be included in the budget. Mayor <br />Muckle asked if the Council would be willing to pay for the quiet zone out of reserves if <br />no outside funding sources are identified and the railroad is ready to build them. All <br />members were in agreement. <br />Members discussed the South Boulder Road underpass. Everyone thinks it is important <br />but there was no agreement on how to fund it. <br />Members discussed options on how to create more revenue, but no specific direction <br />was given. Members agreed it should be discussed again at a later date. <br />BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TERMS LIMITS AND ABSENCES <br />Regarding absences Mayor Muckle suggested "unexcused" be defined or removed from <br />the resolution that defines cause. Councilmember Maloney asked if absences are a <br />significant problem for the boards. Mayor Muckle responded it is not pervasive but is not <br />trivial and is frequent enough it deserves Council attention. <br />Mayor Muckle stated the other item for discussion is if term limits are needed for <br />boards. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated unexcused doesn't need to be defined, but could be <br />removed. Missing 25% of the meetings is enough leeway for members. She agreed with <br />the suggestion to remove unexcused from the existing language. <br />Councilmember Leh noted the Council needs some discretion when to remove or not <br />remove someone from a board. This discretion needs to be limited to something like <br />medical issues and each person needs to be treated fairly and the reasons considered <br />individually. <br />There was consensus among the members to delete the word "unexcused" from the <br />definitions for cause. Members would like the proposed language to include some <br />discretion for the Council for medical and a small number of other outstanding issues. <br />Regarding Term Limits Councilmember Leh stated some boards really need very <br />experienced members and term limits can be an impediment. <br />