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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 6, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />The Master Plan goals are 1) being a leading edge police department 2) having well- <br />trained officers and staff and 3) having contemporary equipment. The plan includes <br />performance measures to monitor "service and progress towards these goals. The <br />department is already implementing recommendations in the master plan that do not <br />require additional funding or staff. <br />Chief Hayes stated the department already achieved many goals in 2015 including <br />assigning detectives to the work with the Boulder County District Attorney's Office, a <br />new transparent promotion process, improved relationships with the local fire districts, <br />implementation of a Taser program, increased radio interoperability, and a new car <br />design. <br />Mayor Muckle asked for public comment. No public comment. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton thanked the Chief and stated he would like to see some <br />comparison data with other comparable cities; crime statistics and what resources they <br />have that we may not. <br />Mayor Muckle thanked the Chief and asked if some of the items in the plan could be <br />defined so the lay person could better understand and flesh out the kinds of <br />technologies the plan references. He asked if there are more things civilian staff could <br />do to free up the time of the sworn officers. <br />Councilmember Maloney asked if there was internal and extemal review of the plan <br />before this point. Chief Hayes stated it will go to the community for input following <br />tonight's Council's input to make sure it is moving in the right direction from Council's <br />perspective. He added intemally it has been reviewed at the supervisor level. <br />Councilmember Keany wondered if the expanded alcohol and drug education program <br />in the schools is really our role and if having officers in the schools is a good use of City <br />resources. Chief Hayes stated the School Resource Officers are available for other <br />calls. Councilmember Keany stated we might have better value having those officers on <br />the street than in the schools all day. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked if there could be some more metrics in the plan. She <br />stated she has had a very positive response from people in the community in support of <br />the School Resource Officers. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he continually hears complaints about traffic speed and <br />asked if traffic enforcement could get some more attention. Chief Hayes stated the <br />department is committed to following up on speed complaints; including tracking and <br />enforcing more in problem areas. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he appreciates the <br />impact of the digital speed signs and feels they do make a difference. <br />