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Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2016 03 10
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Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2016 03 10
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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 11, 2016 <br />Page 11 of 18 <br />corridor slightly. It should, in theory, help people move through the corridor, but its primary <br />purpose was not to move as much traffic as fast as possible. <br />Moline says if we look at page 29, and the traffic impacts and minutes, I heard somebody say <br />that those times are in excess of the travel times now. However, that is not my reading of that <br />graphic. <br />Robinson says it shows how long on average it would take you to drive through the corridor <br />during those peak hours. I think what John Leary mentioned is that it is based on existing traffic <br />volume plus projected volume from development in the corridor. At this stage, we did not look at <br />what the existing 2035 traffic volumes would be and then additional traffic. When we did this <br />modeling, it was to compare the alternatives. We tried to get some sense of what the impacts <br />would be from the one story, two story, and three story alternatives, so we used existing traffic. <br />If you are interested, we can go back to our traffic consultant and have them use the 2035 <br />numbers since we have numbers expected along South Boulder Road in 2035. I am not sure <br />what the change would be because additional build out is already assumed in their model. <br />Moline says I think John raises good point. For the future draft of the plan, it might be <br />interesting to see what is projected out into the future. If the numbers are available, we might <br />get them and plug them into the plan. As a reminder, the Comp Plan told us that the road <br />carries a lot of through traffic. We are buffeted by the winds of what is happening to the east. <br />Brauneis says regarding John's comment about once you hit a certain saturation level, then <br />you are in the "muck". Where, if, when, and would that be? <br />Robinson says to a certain extent, any future congestion on the road is going to come no <br />matter what we do in the corridor. It carries regional traffic. <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Commission: <br />Pritchard reminds PC that Staff has a few items they want PC to look at and comment on such <br />as the Santilli open space acquisition and the Cannon Circle/South Boulder Road stoplight. <br />Brauneis says starting at the macro level of the document, this is something that has been <br />worked on heavily over the last 1.5 years. In a lot of ways, it reflects a lot of what people have <br />expressed as a community. We are being pulled and stretched in different directions about what <br />we really value as a community. I am excited to see it move forward. I expect there will be a <br />different level of scrutiny at CC. While I am personally comfortable at this point in time, I expect <br />there will be more questions to come in the process. As far as the two specific issues, on the <br />potential for open space property acquisition, if and when it becomes available, it is a natural for <br />open space. When you look at that piece of property, it doesn't offer huge commercial potential. <br />I would leave it to the Open Space Advisory Board (OSAB) to evaluate it as time progresses. <br />Regarding the additional signal at Cannon, I don't understand the dynamics surrounding it. <br />Typically, I come out in favor of safety so if it makes sense at that spot, I'd want to hear more <br />about it. <br />Hsu says I echo what Commission Brauneis said about the macroscopic view. Looking through <br />this plan, it has a lot of principles and was easy to read. It is nice to see the ideas out there and <br />it reflects the work Staff put into it. As far as the specific issues, with the traffic signal, I lean <br />toward punting and deferring that decision because we can always add that later. I am <br />ambivalent about that much like Staff is. As a driver, I'd like to get through more quickly. I don't <br />like having a light every block because it's frustrating. I do see that without that light, it is hard to <br />cross north and south of South Boulder Road. It may alleviate some of the traffic on Highway <br />42. Since we can always add it later, I lean toward deferring it and not putting in a traffic signal <br />if we don't have to. As far as Open Space, I defer to OSAB and Parks. Personally, I like the <br />idea of having more open space, especially since we are considering more development in the <br />rest of the region. The property is far away from everything else. Lastly, we talked about getting <br />more numbers on costs. I have a question for the PC. Do we consider this, because it sounds <br />like more of a CC thing to consider? Does the PC generally consider costs as far as land use? <br />
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