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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 11, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 18 <br />This is a legislative act and does not have the same public notice requirements as usual quasi- <br />judicial applications. Staff posted signs along South Boulder Road and posted notice on City <br />website. Agenda posted per regulations and email sent to email distribution list. <br />Staff Report of Facts and Issues: <br />Robinson presented from Power Point: <br />• Staff has worked on Small Area Plan since October 2013 and presents a draft plan for <br />the PC to review. <br />• What is a Small Area Plan? The Comp Plan updated in 2013 is a city-wide policy <br />document. What is built on the ground is controlled by zoning and design guidelines. To <br />go from the Comp Plan to zoning and design guidelines, Staff uses the small area <br />planning process. It takes the big ideas from the Comp Plan and translates them into <br />one specific area, such as the South Boulder Road area. Out of this, Staff will create the <br />zoning and design guidelines that will then create the built environment the community <br />wants to see. The South Boulder Road study area includes both sides of South Boulder <br />Road from Via Appia on the west to the city limit at Lafayette on the east, and along <br />Highway 42/96th Street to the city limit at Paschal on the north. <br />• Three big questions in the Small Area Plan are: <br />o What are desired land uses for the corridor? <br />o What are the preferred physical character design guidelines for the corridor? <br />o What are the public infrastructure priorities and public investment needed? <br />There are some public investment items called out in the plan, but for the most part, this sets <br />design guidelines or parameters for design guidelines that will control private development. <br />Staff will present some drawings and renderings, but these are to give the PC an idea of what <br />these guidelines would produce. The City is not proposing to tear down any buildings or build <br />any new buildings. Staff is putting the guidelines in place so that when and if areas develop or <br />redevelop, they will be built with the character and design that the community wants to see. <br />• Project Schedule: <br />o October 2014 — Kick-off Meeting (talked about general goals for the plan) <br />o January 2015 — Walkability Audit and first Placemaking Workshop #1 (looked at <br />transportation, walking, and biking issues) <br />o February 2015 — Placemaking Workshop #2 (looked at different sites in the <br />corridor and asked what people would or would not like to see on the sites) <br />o November 2015 — Placemaking Workshop #3 <br />■ Development scenarios <br />• 1 story <br />• 2 story <br />• 3 story <br />■ Urban design elements <br />■ Roadway improvements <br />We took the outcome of the November 2015 meeting and all public comments received through <br />the planning process (including the survey done in late 2014 and early 2015) and used it to <br />create the preferred alternative which is the basis for the Draft Plan presented tonight. In <br />general, the Plan has six sections: <br />• Introduction <br />• Process <br />• Context <br />• Project Principles <br />1. Provide for safer and more convenient connections across South Boulder Road <br />and Highway 42 for bikes and pedestrians. <br />