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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 12, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 13 <br />• Staff finds that the requested sign waivers have a minimal impact on building and site <br />design and meet the spirit and intent of the development plan criteria and IDDSG. In <br />addition, considering the dedication of the right-of-way, additional landscaping, and that <br />the overall design of the building will exceed the requirements of the IDDSG, Staff <br />supports the additional monument sign and reduced side -yard setback. <br />Staff Recommendations: <br />Staff recommends Planning Commission move to approve 305 S Arthur Avenue Final PUD: <br />Resolution No. 12, Series 2016, with the following conditions: <br />1. The applicant shall continue to work with Public Works Department on the items listed in <br />the May 6, 2016 memo. Each item shall be completed prior to recordation. <br />2. The applicant shall continue to work with the Parks Department on the items listed in the <br />April 29, 2016. <br />3. The applicant shall clarify the location of the proposed a mounted signs within the <br />PUD application. <br />Commission Questions of Staff. <br />Moline asks Staff why either the CTC or the City is I' • to make a connection in this <br />location. Is that an improvement the City will be re•, , . to do? I assume it is not something the <br />applicant will be required to do. <br />Trice says this is a great question for the applicant because they have been working on this <br />connection within the CTC. The road design they have proposed and the alternative of the <br />recommended design has been on the books for quite a while to connect S Arthur and 96th <br />Street. As far as the full connectivity study, I defer to the applicant. <br />Rice says in terms of the proceeding tonight, all we are doing is approving this plan that will <br />include a dedication of that land. Actually, it will be deeded to the City. The point is it will be <br />available down the line to build this road. When the road is discussed, will that be a separate <br />proceeding? So tonight, this is making the provision for it, but we are not approving any road. <br />Trice says yes, it will be separate. There is no final road design; this is getting half the road. <br />Rice says the Staff report says they have spoken to the adjacent property owner regarding the <br />completion of the road. What did the adjacent property owner have to say? Was there any <br />strong objection voiced to this plan? <br />Trice says there has been some discussion with the City, but it has not resulted in any outcome. <br />As far as I know, they are still working on selling the property. I don't know about any strong <br />objections. Aaron DeJong, Director of Economic Development, has been discussing it with <br />them. <br />Rice says the sign issues come up frequently in terms of applicants seeking waivers, both in <br />terms of size and frequency. My view is there is no reason to not grant waivers as long as the <br />rule of reason applies. We have a code that spells out what signs are supposed to be. I <br />presume we should follow that unless there is a good reason otherwise. What is the good <br />reason here? <br />Trice says the signs will not be put in place until the road is constructed. In addition, this will be <br />an office building and will have more foot traffic than a warehouse building. Having more signs <br />would be appropriate. <br />Rice says the change they are requesting is an additional monument sign than would otherwise <br />be allowed. Is there precedent for that in the CTC? Do you know of any facilities that have <br />requested and received a similar waiver? <br />Trice says I am not aware of any that I have had experience working on. The distinction in the <br />IDDSG is a multi -tenant building versus a single tenant building having the additional monument <br />sign when they have an additional street frontage. It is a minor issue within the IDDSG for the <br />sign. <br />Rice says we are going from an 80 SF allowance on the signage on the building and increasing <br />it to 120 SF, a 50% increase. A similar question is, is there precedent for that? <br />