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ILZ Cityor <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Historical Commission <br />From: Bridget Bacon, Museum Coordinator <br />Date: October 25, 2016 <br />Re: Museum Coordinator's Report <br />At the joint Historic Preservation Commission/Historical Commission meeting on Sept. <br />28, the two Commissions each appointed two of its members to a subcommittee to <br />work on the Historic Preservation Fund extension ballot issue. The Historical <br />Commission appointed Dan Mellish, Chair, and Paula Elrod, Vice Chair, to the <br />subcommittee. The appointment of the subcommittee and its members was not an <br />agenda item, so the subcommittee needs to be officially appointed by each of the two <br />groups. The role of the subcommittee is for the two appointed members of the <br />Historical Commission to work with the two appointed members of the Historic <br />Preservation Commission to make recommendations to City Council on funding <br />Museum operations through the Historic Preservation Fund. <br />