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Cityof <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />Youth Advisory Board <br />Agenda <br />October 6, 2016 <br />Louisville Recreation & Senior Center <br />900 W Via Appia <br />6:00-8 PM <br />I. Call to Order — Mandy Perera called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. <br />II. Roll call <br />• Board members present: Megan Beasley, Taitum Berryhill, Caelis <br />Hanna, Teddy Hart, Danna Kaufman, Riley MacQueen, Addison <br />Nakari, Langley Nakari, Brooke Newell, Kaelan Norgard, Hayley <br />Obremski, Courtney Schumann <br />• Board members absent: Kaylix McClure, Ainsley Smith, Kendall <br />Weideman <br />• Staff liaisons present: Jay Keany, Mandy Perera, Jessica Schwartz <br />III. Approval of Agenda - The agenda was approved by all members. <br />IV. Meet and Greet- Introductions. All members introduced themselves, and <br />then stated their names, grades, schools, how long they've been serving the <br />board, and told us about one of their favorite things. <br />V. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda — No public comments on <br />items not on the agenda. <br />VI. What is the YAB- What can you expect in the upcoming year? — Jay <br />talked about the history and purpose of YAB, which was formed in 2002 by City <br />Council to give youth a voice. YAB members represent the ideas and concerns of <br />their peers. The board is youth directed, members live in Louisville, and they <br />attend monthly meetings. They also volunteer in the community monthly, and <br />learn about local government by visiting other commissions twice yearly (once in <br />fall, once in spring), and work on a larger, year-long project. We discussed past <br />projects, including Trek the Trails and the Aquatic Center. <br />VII. Expectations of Board members and Professional Conduct - The YAB <br />liaisons discussed meeting rules and the attendance policy. Board members <br />should not have more than two excused absences, and they must notify liaisons <br />at least one day in advance if possible. During meetings, members must strive to <br />be good listeners, to raise their hands before speaking, and never to pick on local <br />businesses. <br />City of Louisville <br />Recreation Center 900 West Via Appia Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4902 (phone) 303.335.4959 (fax) www. ci.louisville. co. us <br />