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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 16, 2016 <br />Page 10 of 12 <br />Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Staff recommends approval of 826 Coal Creek Circle — Floodplain Development Permit — <br />Request for a Floodplain Development Permit to Construct a 40,000 Square -Foot Building <br />Addition in the Flood Regulatory District Case #16 -033 -FL. <br />Staff recommends the conditions may be: <br />1. that the report be stamped and signed by a Colorado registered professional engineer <br />2. there be an engineer certification on the floodproofing method to comply with LMC. <br />Staff would approve the conditions. <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Commission: <br />Stuart makes motion to close public hearing, DeJong seconds, approved by voice vote. <br />Meseck says we need to resolve what these contingencies are. <br />Stuart says I think it is fine to approve this with the contingency to stamp and certify the report <br />and another to say that the floodproofing will be certified and approved at some later date. <br />Meseck says are we inserting redundancy into this by requesting floodproofing. That is the <br />City's job. <br />DeJong says if we don't approve, they don't get the building. <br />Meseck says we can approve the floodplain development permit without contingencies. Do we <br />need to add two contingencies to it in the record? <br />DeJong says in my reading of this document, there is no responsible party. I need to have a <br />professional engineer as a responsible party to say this is a valid report with valid conclusions. <br />Stuart says the contingency would be to leave it to Staff to verify it is stamped and signed <br />appropriately. <br />DeJong says the other contingency is that the Building Department accepts the certification and <br />floodproofing methods. <br />Meseck says that is part of their normal daily business. <br />Gorsevski says I would like to discuss these two contingencies separately. I don't have any <br />issue with the contingency that we see a stamped copy. I agree that the rules provide for it. I am <br />not convinced that it is not redundant to put a condition about the specific methods of <br />floodproofing. Reviewing this language on page 3 of the study, it states the type of floodproofing <br />that will be appropriate and used in the structure. I have confidence that Staff can apply the <br />rules and regulations to make sure the floodproofing proposed at the time we move to the <br />building permit complies with the applicable standards. They recognize that the structure must <br />be floodproofed, so we let Staff work out the details. <br />Meseck says I question the redundancy of it as well. This is just another check box that has to <br />be done as part of the process, and not something we need to address tonight. <br />Gorsevski says it would be a different situation if we felt that the floodproofing to be done in this <br />circumstance was different or not consistent with FEMA requirements. <br />Meseck says if we go back to the statement that the LMC requires the following information <br />submitted for all floodplain development permits and look at #3 and certification by a registered <br />engineer, we do not have it at this time to approve the floodplain permit. <br />DeJong says there are no floodproofing methods specified. I have no idea if they would meet <br />the standards because an engineer hasn't told me. <br />Gorsevski says the study does specify the methods that will be used to floodproof. We are not <br />in a position to review whether those methods are adequate or not. <br />DeJong says the study states that these may include. <br />Gorsevski says if that is a position we want to take, then we would tie them to specific methods <br />at this time as a term of their floodplain development permit. <br />Meseck says as opposed to being checked at a later date by the Building Department. <br />Gorsevski says going to the exact language in Staff's summary, I am referring to the <br />Martin/Martin report on page 5 where the full language is cited, Section 17.56.250, <br />DeJong reads #5, Section 17.56.250, <br />