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SUBJECT: <br />DATE: <br />2017 WORK PLAN DEVELOPMENT MEETING <br />JANUARY 10, 2017 <br />PAGE2OF2 <br />includes staff's estimate of the approximate meeting time Council would devote to <br />each issue and the proposed quarter during which Council would consider the issue. <br />Staff would appreciate—and Ms McFarland will facilitate—Council's confirmation of <br />(or suggested changes to) the issues on the list, the estimate of meeting time and <br />the proposed schedule. This will confirm the issues that Council is committed to <br />working on in 2017, the approximate meeting time that work will require, and the <br />approximate time available to allocate to additional priority issues (or to reserve for <br />contingencies). <br />4. DRAFT City Council 2017 Work Plan: Potential Additional Priorities. This <br />document lists those items that Council Members and staff have proposed be added <br />to the Council Work Plan in 2017. It includes an estimate of the Council meeting time <br />required for each issue, as well as the possible schedule (quarter) and very general <br />estimates for the staff time and potential costs (which would require additional <br />budget appropriations) for each issue. Based on staff's estimate of the meeting time <br />required to cover the Current Commitments, there would be almost no study session <br />time available to cover any of these issues. The estimate suggests there would be a <br />total of 29 hours regular meeting time to cover some of these issues. Consequently, <br />it will be necessary for Council to decide if there is sufficient meeting time to cover <br />any of these issues (as well as any unanticipated contingencies), and if so, which <br />issues to focus on. Ms McFarland will facilitate this discussion and use a dot <br />allocation exercise to quickly determine Council's top priorities among the numerous <br />issues. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />Dependent on new 2017 work plan items. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Review 2016 work plan status, confirm or revise the list of issues Council is committed <br />to working on in 2017, decide whether there is sufficient meeting time to consider any <br />additional issues, and if so prioritize what additional issues to focus on, estimate how <br />much time to spend on them and when during the year to consider those additional <br />issues. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1. City of Louisville Programs, Goals, Sub -Programs and Objectives. <br />2. City Council 2016 Work Plan: Status Report on Council's Top Priority Issues. <br />3. City Council 2017 Work Plan: Current Commitments. <br />4. DRAFT City Council 2017 Work Plan: Potential Additional Priorities. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />3 <br />