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• <br />RESOLUTION — PAGE 2 <br />3, That if such advance be made the applicant- rthall provide <br />or make necessary arrangements to pro•vI de sucth funds, in addition <br />to the advance, as may be requ .rsc'. to defray tie cost of such <br />action preliminary to the construction of the public works; <br />4. The said rerreser,tative is hereby authorized to furnish <br />such information and take such cher action as may be necessary <br />to enable the applicant to qu .i'.fy for the ad'ran e; <br />5. That the of f=_csr c-es.ignated in the receding paragraph <br />is hereby designated as 1;he authorizes rapre�, ntative of the <br />applicant for the purpose of fu:•n;shing to t14, United States such <br />information, data and dr3uments p:?rta1nnz to the application for <br />an advance as may be req 3_r -p ; and ctherwL e to act as the <br />aothorized representative of the applicant in connection with <br />this application. <br />6. That certified copies of this resolution be included <br />as part of the application for an advance to be submitted to the <br />United States. <br />