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Resource Conservation Advisory Board Minutes 2008 02 11
2008 Resource Conservation Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Resource Conservation Advisory Board Minutes 2008 02 11
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RCABMIN 2008 02 11
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Resource Conservation Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 11, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Goals for 2008 (see January minutE;s for additional info on goals): <br />1. Green points follow up. Not surf: if Mike Jones moved forward with Green <br />points before Board of Adjustment. Still need to pass on a formal resolution to <br />Mike Jones on the 4 recommended points: mandatory job site construction <br />recycling, all lighting put in by contractor must be something other than <br />incandescent bulbs, solar ready houses (a chase that goes down from upper <br />level to lowest level so solar can be installed), and energy star appliances. As <br />city moves forward with implementation of the Energy Plan, may take care of <br />energy star requirement or other aspects of plan. <br />Aside: Amount of mercury in CF bulbs is minimal compared to amount of energy <br />to produce an incandescent bulb. Recommend to put spent bulbs in plastic bag <br />and put in trash. <br />2. Sustainable Energy Plan -City agrees in principle with the <br />Energy Plan and will decide on hoNr to go forward with it. <br />3. Environmental section of Comp Plan - to be updated this year. Paul Wood <br />doesn't have schedule yet but may end up being tied into Storage Tech planning <br />to submittal. <br />4 Sustainability/green-build options for city revitalization <br />5. CF-Bulb sales - we have $500 could use on this. Mark found website rating <br />bulbs. Found claims of longevity aren't always well funded. <br />PAYT -Tom feels our role would be to inform the community about the program, <br />possibly posting info or being present at recycling center to discuss, and <br />sounding board for staff to make sure proposal is adequate/what we are thinking. <br />Tom is thinking City may use Lafayette as a model but due to differences in <br />government between the two cities, can't model exactly. An example is Louisville <br />can't enter into alease-purchase agreement for recycling bins. Mark mentioned <br />Boulder County grant funding coulcl possibly pay for recycling bins. Tom has met <br />briefly with Jeff Callahan already but hadn't heard of this option. Tom would give <br />us monthly updates; may be able to attend meetings that pertain to this topic as <br />well. Beth suggests using our budget for educational efforts for PAYT. Could do <br />this instead of CF-Bulb sales effort.. Could provide education at public events <br />(July 4, for eg.) RFP may not be completed by then; Malcolm's schedule calls for <br />Aug 2009 start of program. Won't need $500 for the zero-waste events because <br />Land Management will take care oi` recycling and trash again. <br />City of Louisville <br />Public Works Department 749 Main Street Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4608 (phone) 303.335.4738 (fax) www. ci.louisville. co. us <br />
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