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SUBJECT: <br />DATE: <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — LIVABLE WAGE OVERVIEW AND OPTIONS <br />MARCH 14, 2017 <br />PAGE 4 OF 12 <br />o Desire to pay wages similar to others in Boulder County <br />o Decrease turn -over by paying better wages. <br />o Increase retention of employees by increasing wages. <br />o Concern that we may not be competitive in the market when recruiting for <br />employees. <br />o Would like to see more employees live in Louisville. <br />o Other... <br />• The City's current Pay Philosophy is "The City of Louisville pays market wages <br />as compared to our defined labor market (Brighton, Broomfield, Commerce City, <br />Englewood, Erie, Golden, Lafayette, Littleton, and Longmont) while considering <br />the City's budgetary and financial condition. We reward performance through <br />merit increases and maintain an effective and efficient workforce through <br />progressive retention efforts." <br />o What pay philosophy would City Council suggest as we consider livable <br />wage alternatives? <br />• Should we consider different labor market cities? Rather than implementing a <br />livable wage, should the City could consider changing its labor market city <br />comparisons to include those cities that use a livable wage, such as Boulder, <br />Boulder County or Denver? <br />• Which categories of employees would be applicable for the livable wage? Full- <br />time, benefited part-time (30 hours and above), all part-time/variable, and/or <br />seasonal employees? <br />• Should livable wage apply to contracts? <br />• Which method should Louisville consider to calculate livable wage? FPG, SSS <br />or others mentioned in the SSS report by the Colorado Center on Law and <br />Poverty (beginning on pg. 14 of the report)? And if the SSS was selected, would <br />the City use the average of a single adult and a family of 4 criteria that is similar <br />to the City of Boulder's approach? <br />• Is there a phase-in approach staff should consider? <br />• Are there other benefits the City should offer to part-time/variable employees <br />(working less than 30 hours per week) temporary, and/or seasonal employees? <br />• The perception of "compression" issues is likely to be a factor the City of <br />Louisville would encounter if implementing a livable wage philosophy. How <br />would City Council like us to address this issue? <br />• Is this a community conversation or a policy decision by City Council? <br />• Does City Council see a need to consider a new funding mechanism should the <br />City adopt a livable wage philosophy and what are their concerns, if any, about <br />sustainability for implementing a livable wage approach? <br />• Would we approach this decision by Ordinance? If yes, what "exit ramps" should <br />we incorporate into the ordinance if future funding is unavailable to sustain this <br />effort? <br />Reflecting the questions above, staff evaluated the pros and cons of six (6) livable wage <br />options for consideration, as well as ideas for implementation and very preliminary <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />