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Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2017 03 15
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Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2017 03 15
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BOAPKT 2017 03 15
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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 15, 2017 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />Ritchie explains that the goal of setbacks is to provide a level of distance between the streets <br />from the build environment. <br />Zuccaro also explains the purpose of having setbacks is to provide a visual buffer and could <br />lead to a better pedestrian environment. <br />Williams says if there should be repaving or reconstruction of sidewalk, how would it impact the <br />homeowner? <br />Zuccaro says he doesn't anticipate the City getting any additional right-of-way for that <br />expansion. He doesn't believe that whether it is a 3 or 7 foot setback it would harm any of those <br />future plans. He believes that this setback provides a better visual appeal for the neighborhood. <br />He recognizes that many sheds in the neighborhood don't confirm to these setbacks but he <br />believes these were done without permits in the past. <br />Williams asks if this area is going to change as far as more waikability for the sidewalks. <br />Ritchie replies with saying when she looked at the South Boulder Road Small Area Plan, this <br />area was not changed. The intent was to keep this area the same. <br />Meseck says the ten foot number on the east side is meeting the rear of the yard. <br />Ritchie says that the applicant could push it a little further to accommodate the movement into <br />the driveway. <br />Meseck asks what is on the east side of the property line. <br />Ritchie says it is the backyard of the neighbor's home. The neighbor's backyard has a shed. <br />Meseck asks about the ten foot mark because if the city gets to the point where we determine <br />with some appropriate number to move the garage off the north property line, he would like to <br />propose at some point that there is some additional relief on the east side so that they could <br />potentially move that back. He is afraid of designing this in a way that is not going to be <br />functional. <br />Campbell comments that South Boulder Road could be improved by providing a bike lane. In <br />that section of town, there is no bike lane so it creates a safety issue. <br />Ritchie replies that there is a bike lane. <br />Meseck states that there is a point where the bike lane disappears and then reappears, but he <br />confirms that the bike lane exists at this location as well. <br />DeJong asked if the fence that is shown on the drawing is the existing fence and will continue <br />to be the same fence. <br />Ritchie says that it is the existing fence. <br />DeJong questions the driveway entrance that was allowed by Public Works, as far as moving it <br />as far south as required. <br />
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