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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 15, 2017 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />Public Comment: <br />Christine Nicolaysen, 1608 Longs Peak Drive, Louisville, CO. <br />Christine says she is two houses down from the applicant and has never met the homeowners. <br />She thinks this would really help the street and the neighborhood. Because the homeowners <br />already park there, she doesn't see the driveway being a problem for the neighborhood. The <br />driveway would add charm to the small house. Her house got an added two -car garage that <br />has a similar expansion towards the back of the house and it greatly benefited her house. She <br />would love to see the homeowners get that benefit as well. She doesn't see a three or seven <br />feet setback causing any harm to people walking down the street. <br />Williams asks how she feels about the driveway being paved. <br />Nicolaysen says she believes it would look much better because right now it is loose gravel. <br />She doesn't think the gravel speaks to the rest of the neighborhood. <br />DeJong asks if there are two cars parked side-to-side on the gravel area. <br />Nicolaysen said that only refers to her neighbor. She is not sure if they can park two cars side <br />by side. <br />Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Binns says that in regards to the gravel lot, it only accommodates one vehicle. Binns believes <br />that all criteria have been met except the three foot setback. The applicant's would ask to be <br />granted a variance on all three conditions the applicant has asked for. <br />Williams asked Binns if the driveway was going to be concrete. <br />Binns replies that it will be concrete. <br />Ritchie stated that staff has nothing further to add and is recommending denial, but that a <br />condition could be placed on an approval to minimize the setback encroachment. <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Commission: <br />Stuart believes that the staff report was very informative. He agrees with all the conclusions <br />Staff came to. He believes that three feet versus seven feet is not a big deal. He thinks that a <br />straight driveway is necessary for this applicant since they are elderly. He approves the original <br />proposal with a tapered driveway. <br />Meseck agrees with Stuart. He has no issues with the square footage that was requested and <br />that it should be approved. He had some concerns with the setback but the original design is the <br />best one available. This design is going to be the most functional, and he would like to override <br />the one criteria that Staff found. <br />Williams believes that when a homeowner is interested in improving their home, she thinks it is <br />a good thing for the neighborhood. She thinks this neighborhood needs it. She rides her bike <br />almost every day by that corner. She thinks the concrete driveway, the addition of the house, <br />the addition of the two -car detached garage is great for the neighborhood. She doesn't see that <br />as a negative. She would like to approve this with the condition of narrowing the driveway. <br />DeJong says he agrees with Staff's recommendations. He does not entirely agree with the <br />criteria not being met in regards to the garage setback. He does not see the detached garage <br />with a three foot setback being an issue. He does see the garage being moved further south an <br />issue in regards to its usability. As far as the additions are concerned, he doesn't see that being <br />