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2017 DRAFT AMMENDMENTS to the 2010 Bylaws of the <br />LOUISVILLE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY BOARD (LSAB) <br />Pages 2 & 3 <br />ARTICLE III, Officers and Personnel <br />Section 1. Officers. Board Members shall share responsibility for conducting the business of the Board. <br />The Officers of the Board shall be a Chair, and a Secretary. <br />Section 2. Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and shall be responsible for <br />setting AND FORWARDING the agenda FOR PUBLIC POSTING, facilitating discussion of the business <br />of the Board, and keeping the Board on time and on task. THE CHAIR SHALL BE SELECTED BY A <br />SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE MEMBERS, AT THE FIRST MEETING OF EACH CALENDAR <br />YEAR. NO MEMBER SHALL SERVE AS CHAIR FOR MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS. A <br />MEMBER MAY AGAIN SERVE AS CHAIR, AFTER A BREAK OF ONE YEAR. <br />Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary, who may be a member or an employee (LLA, HPC, PC, BOA, <br />BCBOA) of the City shall take notes and prepare the minutes of the meeting for distribution prior to the <br />next meeting and attest to all documents authorized to be executed by the Board. (moved from Section <br />1, above:) THE SECRETARY a shall rotate Monthly through the membership, such that all <br />members shall have the opportunity to serve in each THAT role TWICE EACH CALENDAR YEAR, and <br />no single member shall dominate cithcr rolo DO SO MORE THAN THREE TIMES IN A YEAR. <br />Section 4. Additional Duties. • : ' e _ e'_ ••:••e: _ e _ _ _ • e : _ • : e : _ e: •' _ • ••:••e: _ THE <br />CHAIR shall serve as spokespersons) for the Board, a AND represent the Board in other roles at such <br />times as needed, UNLESS THE CHAIR REQUESTS ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER TO DO SO FOR A <br />PARTICULAR MEETING OR PROJECT, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE OTHER MEMBERS. <br />The officers of the Board shall perform such duties and functions as may from time to time be required or <br />authorized by the Board or these Bylaws. <br />Section 5. Officers' Service Schedule. The Monthly Schedule for Members to serve as officers <br />SECRETARY of the Board shall be determined annually by the Board at its first meeting of each calendar <br />year. In the event of the absence of the scheduled Chair or Secretary from a meeting of the Board, the <br />Members Present shall designate some other member of the Board to perform the duties of the <br />Chair/Secretary for that meeting. <br />