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SUBJECT: POLICE MASTER PLAN WITH COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS <br />DATE: MAY 9, 2017 <br />PAGE 9 OF 17 <br />Recommendation for Implementation: <br />If Council is interested in pursuing this option, we should conduct informational <br />meetings with PERA representatives, City Council, and City employees to hear more <br />details about this plan. Informational meetings would need to be scheduled in advance <br />of the adoption of the 2018 budget if this is a desired option for 2018. <br />Option 5: Join the Fire and Police Pension Association (FPPA) to enhance the <br />retirement benefits for Sworn Officers. <br />FPPA was established in January of 1980. FPPA administers a statewide, multiple <br />employer, public employee retirement system providing a defined benefit and defined <br />contribution retirement plan coverage along with a death and disability coverage for <br />police officers and fire fighters throughout the State of Colorado. This pre -retirement <br />death and disability coverage is also available as a separate benefit for those entities <br />that have another retirement plan but would like to add the death and disability <br />coverage for their public safety officers. <br />For most of the 1900's, pension plans for Colorado police officers and firefighters were <br />funded and administered by local governments and special districts. By the mid -1970's <br />many local pension plans were in serious financial trouble, paying out far more in <br />benefits than they were taking in through contributions and investment returns. <br />The Colorado Legislature addressed this growing crisis by dividing public safety officers <br />into two groups — old hires and new hires — for retirement purposes. The dividing line <br />between the two groups was the date of April 8, 1978. <br />Police officers and firefighters hired on or after April 8, 1978 were designated as new <br />hires and are covered by the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan (SWDB Plan) administered <br />by FPPA. Both old hires and new hires were enrolled in the Statewide Death & <br />Disability Plan (SWD&D Plan). <br />Provisions in the law, however, allowed for old hire plans to affiliate with FPPA for <br />investment purposes. The law also provided a time period for departments to set up <br />financially sound alternative pension plans of their own, thus bypassing normal <br />retirement coverage under the SWDB Plan for all of their employees. During that time, <br />many departments established locally administered money purchase plans. <br />In recent years, members and employer groups from departments with local money <br />purchase plans approached FPPA requesting entry into the SWDB Plan. In 2003, <br />legislation was enacted to allow plans to enter the SWDB Plan and for FPPA to <br />establish a Statewide Hybrid Plan (SWH), which is a combination of a defined benefit <br />plan and a money purchase plan. As of January, 1, 2004, departments that offer local <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />