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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />April 25, 2017 <br />Page 2of6 <br />Food drive, Pancakes with Santa, serving food to homeless, St. Patrick's Day <br />dinner served to seniors, Father -Daughter dance "Tulip Twist", <br />A year-long project was conducted to encourage people to walk around <br />Louisville. <br />Members of the YAB asked Council: will you try out our walk your city signs and <br />help spread the word about them? The Mayor answered yes. <br />YAB asked what projects Council would like to have YAB do in the future. <br />Council member Maloney said the same projects; the Mayor said he likes the <br />walking project. Council member and YAB Liaison Keany said the group tries to <br />visit other boards. The biggest challenge is that the group meets only from <br />October — May. Council member Keany suggested it be a year-round board. He <br />talked about the placement of the signs. <br />Council member Maloney encouraged YAB members to attend the Rec Center <br />expansion meetings. <br />Council member Stolzmann encouraged the YAB to promote other City <br />programs. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton suggested the YAB welcome new residents to Kestrel. He <br />also suggested intergenerational projects. <br />Council member and YAB Liaison Keany thanked the staff liaisons: Mandy <br />Perera and Jessica Schwartz. <br />Mayor Muckle presented certificates to those who have completed their term on <br />the YAB and thanked them for their service. <br />Discussion — Potential Ballot Questions for November Election <br />City Manager Malcolm Fleming introduced the topic: a draft ordinance allowing <br />the city to provide high-speed internet services, telecommunication services, <br />and/or cable television. <br />Several members of public spoke saying they would like it on the ballot. <br />The Mayor said Council has been waiting for the State to bring a bill forward and <br />they have not. Council decided not to wait for the State. This ordinance would <br />allow us to exempt ourselves from SB152 limitations. <br />Deputy City Manager Heather Balser talked about a draft ordinance to continue <br />the city's temporary sales tax for historic preservation purposes for an additional <br />10 years starting on January 1, 2019. The draft included language to expand the <br />purposes for which sales and use taxes in the historic preservation fund may be <br />