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4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF JURISDICTION <br />4 1 Boundaries of Jurisdiction. If any annexations to the Jurisdiction have occurred <br />between January 1, 2017 and the date of the sigmng of this IGA, the jurisdiction is responsible <br />for informing the County Clerk in wnting by the date of the sigmng of this IGA <br />4 2 Ballot content and layout No later than September 8, 2017, the Election Officer <br />shall certify the ballot order and content for the Junsdiction and deliver the certified ballot layout <br />to the County Clerk The ballot layout shall be m a form acceptable to the Clerk Ballot content <br />layout shall not include any graphs, tables, charts, or diagrams The ballot order and content <br />shall include the names and office of each candidate for whom a petition has been filed with the <br />Election Officer and any ballot issues or ballot questions the Junsdiction has certified The <br />Junsdiction shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained m the <br />certificate and ballot content The Jurisdiction shall make any modifications to the ballot layout <br />requested by the County Clerk The County Clerk will correct errors as specified in C R S § 1-5- <br />412 at the Jurisdiction's expense <br />4 3 Audio for visually impaired. Withm 7 days of the Jurisdiction's submission of the <br />ballot layout to the County Clerk, the Junsdiction shall submit to the Clerk a high quality audio <br />recording with the name of each candidate clearly spoken on the recording This requirement <br />aids the County Clerk in programming the audio component of the electromechanical votmg <br />equipment for the Election The Junsdiction shall timely make any modifications to the audio <br />recording requested by the County Clerk <br />4 4 TABOR Notice The Junsdiction shall provide to the County Clerk all required <br />TABOR Notices concerning ballot issue(s) in the manner required by Article X, Section 20 of <br />the Colorado State Constitution by September 26, 2017 The submission will include the ballot <br />title, text, and fiscal history or any other required wording for the TABOR Notice The <br />submission date will expedite pnnt layout and allow the Junsdiction time to proofread their <br />portion of the TABOR Notice <br />4 5 Final layout. The Junsdiction shall timely make any modification to the ballot <br />layout requested by the County Clerk The Junsdiction shall review, proofread, and approve the <br />layout, format, and text of the final draft form of the Jurisdiction's official ballot and, if <br />applicable, TABOR Notice within 24 hours of the County Clerk providing the Jurisdiction with <br />the copy to be proofed <br />4.6 Testing. The Junsdiction must provide two people to participate m Logic and <br />Accuracy Tests, which will be scheduled during the week of October 9, 2017, and may take <br />place over a number of days <br />4 7 Cancellation of Election by the Jurisdiction If the Jurisdiction resolves not to <br />hold the election or to withdraw a ballot issue, the Junsdiction shall immediately provide notice <br />of such action to the County Clerk Initial notice to the County Clerk may be informal The <br />Junsdiction shall provide proof of the Jurisdiction's formal action canceling the election or <br />withdrawing a ballot issue(s) as soon as practicable after the Jurisdiction's formal action. The <br />Page4of7 <br />