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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />February 28, 2017 <br />Page 2of4 <br />Parks Superintendent Johnson said the Parks, Public Landscaping Advisory <br />Board (PPLAB) brought up to speed on current practices. The Horticulture and <br />Forestry Advisory Board (HFAB) looked into this in 2007-08. November 2016, <br />PPLAB was brought up to speed on regulatory authorities and common <br />practices. Summary of the meeting, focused on whether to advise change of <br />practices. PPLAB wanted to make recommendations that would be accepted. In <br />December PPLAB discussed further and agreed to recommend banning <br />herbicides as a pilot program around the playground footprint. <br />Staff believes this will cost the City approximately $12,000 — which would be <br />used to dedicate staff for pulling weeds around playground. $12,000 would be for <br />seasonal employees to rotate through 15 playgrounds to pull weeds. <br />Open Space Manager Brignull said the Open Space Advisory Board (OSAB) <br />focus was less on petition and more on reviewing the Integrated Weed <br />Management Plan, discussing weed control in 2016, the CSU study and <br />introducing other methods of controlling weeds. Brignull reviewed CSU study. <br />CSU study is focusing on seed which is a different approach. OSAB unanimously <br />voted to support CSU research: Education, more research and new methods. <br />Council member Susan Loo said this is a first time attempt. Staff will have to <br />hand rake and/or hand pull the playgrounds. As always, there are unintended <br />consequences; one is that we have sand wasps, though benign, she would like <br />staff to try to avoid raking with they are nesting. <br />Johnson would like signage at each playground stating we are herbicide free and <br />looking for volunteers. We will not have the same look at playgrounds without <br />herbicides. <br />Parks and Recreation Director Stevens said we have a lot of volunteers for <br />sports and senior activities but will need volunteers for weeds. Perhaps get <br />HOAs to assist and hold community weed pull. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton said if you are depending on community weed pulls, you <br />have already lost the battle. We will need continuous labor that is there every <br />day. Want to focus on cultural practices and supplement with weed pulls. <br />Develop labor plan to stay ahead of weeds. He agrees with not using herbicides <br />in playgrounds. <br />CIP has playground replacement program. Material does not support weed <br />growth. <br />Council member Ashley Stolzmann said we need to communicate to people to <br />pull weeds and encourage people to pitch in. What are alternatives? Johnson <br />said the City of Boulder does not use organic chemicals and he believes they are <br />