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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />April 11, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />• Ongoing communications plans <br />Council members Stolzmann and Lipton do not like the idea of a lot of bid <br />alternates because they want to be able to compare bids. Large item pickup is <br />not well promoted. Council member Loo said she thinks people love the large <br />pickup item. A policy on which special events the City provides solid waste <br />services for needs to be clarified. Council member Stolzmann does not want <br />special events billed to only City Western customers; thinks it should be spread <br />community wide. Council member Lipton said the City should share resources for <br />signs and containers to use at events to encourage zero waste. <br />Policies <br />Council may want to consider updating the code to: <br />• Include composting in the code section to reflect the contract the City has <br />(code is silent on composting) <br />• Require HOAs to provide composting <br />• Require annual reporting by multifamily, commercial and industrial haulers <br />• Require recycling for multifamily, commercial and industrial <br />There was discussion of compelling or requiring haulers to provide information on <br />total weight of trash, composting, and recycling in HOA, multifamily and <br />commercial. Mayor said perhaps a restaurant would like to be part of a pilot <br />program on recycling and composting. It would be helpful to know which groups <br />are recycling and what are the numbers. <br />Kowar needs time to talk to the Sustainability Advisory Board. <br />Fund fees <br />Staff will also be recommending an increase to admin fee and yard waste fee. <br />A bag ban was discussed, small campaign ie: hand out reusable bags. Why just <br />bags? Why not cardboard too such as cardboard curbside pickup or cardboard <br />drop-off. Council member Stolzmann would like to add a discussion of cardboard. <br />She would like the City to provide incentives to encourage people to act <br />responsibly. <br />Kowar discussed the 2016 Waste Composition Study slides and said composting <br />is where there is opportunity for expansion and the City should provide additional <br />outreach. <br />On the May 2nd Council agenda, the fee setting item will be presented. The other <br />topics will be discussed in July. <br />Composting is less energy intensive that putting food down the disposal. <br />