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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />May 9, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />They have talked about starting a "Friends of the Police Department." It is in the <br />preliminary phase and they will work with Chief Hayes. <br />Discussion — Setting a New Amount for the Parking Improvement fee for <br />Downtown Louisville <br />Economic Development Director Aaron DeJong said projects downtown are <br />required to provide 2 parking spaces/1000 sq feet or, if approved projects are <br />allowed to pay fee rather than provide parking. The fee is $3600 and has been <br />this amount since 2002. <br />DeJong reviewed the presentation included in the packet. BRaD was supportive <br />of raising the fee, but had concerns as to how much to raise it. John Leary <br />raised a point of order saying study sessions cannot be used to make decisions. <br />There were questions and discussion of the presentation. How do we measure <br />the impact of parking? How do we quantify the discussion and form policy? Basic <br />way is to define a level of service — how much parking do we need for the level of <br />service? How far away do people have to park? What is the parking turnover? <br />What are the impacts to surrounding neighborhood? Council struggles with using <br />CPI — would like other indicators. There is a construction cost index that can be <br />looked into. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton feels a pricing increase is long overdue. Planning <br />Commission many years ago set the fee at $10,000 per space and Council <br />reduced it to $3,600. <br />Council member Stolzmann said when this comes forward again, more thought <br />should be put into answering what the point of a fee is. Why are we charging a <br />fee? <br />John Leary said historic preservation and character of downtown is not <br />incorporated in the presentation. Character will change if we give incentives to <br />develop downtown. <br />Mayor Muckle agrees with Council member Stolzmann and also agrees with <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton that the fee needs to be increased. <br />Discussion — Police Department Master Plan Including Compensation and <br />Benefits <br />Chief of Police Dave Hayes said the Master Plan has been updated. He asked if <br />council had any questions. Chief Hayes said the department is nearly fully staffed <br />and does not need additional help for accreditation. They will make sure policies <br />are out and posted for 10 days. <br />