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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 21, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />She asked the owner to consider saving the facade of the home as it is historically <br />significant to the neighborhood in its scale and size. <br />Willow Brook, 1590 North Garfield, stated that the yard of the home is unique to the area <br />with a large number of old fruit trees. She added that the 1992 addition that is currently <br />on the home keeps the style of the neighborhood. She stated her preference that they <br />home be kept on the lot as it is. <br />Scott Brook, 1590 North Garfield, stated that he felt the history of the home was <br />important and that the 1992 remodel kept the original roofline and windows on the front <br />of the home. He thinks a new home on that lot would have a large impact on the <br />neighborhood and the loss of so many homes is affecting the character of the area. <br />Lucy Meisel, 1834 Fillmore Court, stated that bigger isn't better when it comes to new <br />homes in Old Town. <br />Tom Ramsey, 1100 Grant Avenue, has been working with the owner. He noted that <br />there is a great deal of change in Louisville and it has generally been positive. Louisville <br />is a desirable place to live and the property values are rising. He stated that not all old <br />homes are created equally, some can sustain an addition and others cannot. He added <br />that this home is not in great shape, but it is not in immediate danger of falling down <br />either. <br />He stated the home does have problems. There is asbestos in the home, the chimney is <br />separating from the building, and the existing floorjoists do not meet code. He added <br />that the 1992 addition has a big box feel to it and the section on the front of the original <br />home is has been altered. <br />Lewis asked for Commission Questions and Comments. <br />McMenamin stated that he was on the review committee for this home. He stated that <br />the original section of the home has a great deal of architectural integrity and the rear <br />1992 addition could easily be removed. He suggested to the owner that he keep the <br />original section of the structure and that a good architect could make that work. <br />Muckle thanked the applicant for listening to the Commission. She stated that the <br />removal of the asbestos from her house was surprisingly inexpensive and in her case <br />she found wood siding underneath the asbestos that was in excellent condition. She <br />encouraged the .applicant to remove the asbestos and preserve the original section of <br />the home. <br />Lewis noted that she should have asked this at the start of the hearing, but asked if any <br />members of the HPC have any conflicts of interest regarding this hearing. No one did. <br />Tofte noted that the current home is 1300 square feet, so building a 3000 square foot <br />home is doubling the size. <br />Miley stated that the 3000 square feet will include a finished basement, so the foot print <br />of the home shouldn't be significantly larger than what is on the site now. <br />