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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 21, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />• G.2. It is likely eligible for inclusion in a historic district; <br />• G.3. the home is in reasonable condition and has no immediate problems; <br />McMenamin seconded the motion. <br />Muckle -Yes <br />McMenamin -Yes <br />Tofte - Yes <br />Lewis - Yes <br />Koertje -Yes <br />Lewis told the applicant that the Commission is willing to work with him on saving the <br />structure and getting additional resources for him. She noted that Muth will check with <br />the applicant regularly to give the HPC updates. <br />Discussion/Direction/Action - 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Sean McCartney, Principal Planner, stated that this year the Planning Department is <br />doing an update of the 2005 Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) and they are asking the <br />HPC for recommendations on the plan in general, and in particular input that relates to <br />Downtown/Old Town development. City Council gave direction to the Planning Staff to <br />determine what, if any updates, are needed in opportunity Areas 1-6 and in particular <br />Area 2 which is the downtown including the Highway%~2 revitalization area and the Old <br />Town residential and commercial areas. <br />Planning staff has visited various City boards and commissions to get input. In addition, <br />one public meeting has already been held and one more is scheduled for the end of <br />July. <br />Koertje stated he wants to be sure that the language isn't encouraging people to <br />demolish existing structures to allow for more density, either in residential or in the <br />downtown commercial area to allow for mixed-use. <br />Lewis asked why there is mention of realignment of the South Boulder Road/Main Street <br />intersection. <br />McCartney stated that realignment may occur to facilitate a quite zone for the rail <br />intersection. <br />Lewis asked if the Comp Plan endorses low-income housing, particularly in Old Town. <br />She noted that using older homes for low-income housing could work well. <br />McCartney answered that this is not currently included in the Comp Plan, but he will add <br />it to the discussion list. <br />Koertje asked if the Comp Plan is going to address the question of limiting Floor Area <br />Ratio in downtown. Will the Comp Plan set a maximum number of developable square <br />feet allowed in the core downtown? <br />McCartney stated that including the existing buildings and those approved for <br />construction in the downtown there would only be approximately 42,000 square feet <br />available to development if the current total is not amended. He added that in 2009 staff <br />