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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 15, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />4) Promotion of the Sho~- Louisville with program emails <br />5) Promotion of Campaicn through the Chamber of Commerce and the <br />Downtown Business p~ssociation <br />6) Promotion of Shop Louuisville through the City Council and City Staff <br />7) "Merchant of the Month" Program <br />8) Shop Louisville Drawings <br />The request includes $4,000 for printing cost, making the total requested <br />appropriation for the Shop Louisville Campaign $34,000. Both the Business <br />Retention and Development Committee and the Finance Committee reviewed <br />and approved the proposal a~t their January 14th meetings. The program will be <br />monitored through merchant participation, citizen awareness and merchant <br />willingness to fund the program. <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Councilor Dalton explained BRaD reviewed the budget process for the Shop <br />Louisville Campaign thoroughly and does not anticipate the program will actually <br />pay for itself, but believes it gives residents choices and encourages them to <br />spend their retail dollars in Louisville. It is one component to improve the <br />business climate in Louisville. BRaD feels strongly about the program and <br />agreed to advance ZVC, Inc. $3,000 from their budget to initiate the project and <br />urged Council to approve Resolution No. 1, Series 2008. <br />Councilor Yarnell favored the program and stated although it was a difficult <br />decision to support the $34,000 expenditure from the City's budget, the most <br />critical component of the proposal is to get the business community on board so <br />they can partner with the City in 2009. <br />Councilor Muckle noted the Council committed to the Shop Louisville Campaign <br />two years ago, but agreed it is important the program eventually be self <br />sustaining by the business community. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella reported the Finance Committee reviewed this and is <br />aware this may not increase :sales tax, but agrees it is an investment for the <br />future. <br />Mayor Sisk reported the Couincil received an email from Eva Kosinsky relative to <br />the Shop Louisville Campaign, which questioned the City funding the program. <br />He explained the Finance Committee met with Mark Zaremba of ZVC, Inc., and <br />is very optimistic but aware the business community will have to partner with the <br />City. He was impressed with the response from the business community and <br />noted the campaign is an important message sent to the business community to <br />show the City supports them. <br />