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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 15, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Mayor Sisk requested public comment. Hearing none, he closed the hearing. <br />MOTION: Councilor Dalton rnoved to approve Resolution No. 1, Series 2008, <br />seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Marsella. <br />City Manager Fleming reque;>ted a friendly amendment to the resolution to <br />include in the title "For the Purpose of Funding the 2008 Shop Louisville <br />Campaign." The amendmentt was accepted. <br />Rolt call vote was taken. They motion carried by a vote of 7-0. <br />RESOLUTION No. 2, SERIES 2008 - A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE TO <br />PROVIDE ADVISORY RECOMMENDATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE <br />DEVELOPMENT REVIEWI PROCESS AS IT PERTAINS TO PROPERTIES <br />WITH HISTORIC VALUE <br />Mayor Sisk explained the resolution proposes to form a task force to provide <br />advisory recommendations with respect to properties with historic value. He <br />reported on the success of a task force formed during Mayor Davidson's term of <br />office, which studied guidelines for the Colorado Technology Center. <br />Mayor Sisk explained there may be conflicts between preserving and maintaining <br />valuable historic properties ins Louisville, and expanding the usefulness of existing <br />buildings in the City and devE;loping new facilities to better serve the community. <br />The task force would explore what other communities have done to help resolve <br />such conflicts, evaluate the City of Louisville's current development review <br />process and recommend wa}~s that the City can improve the process so all <br />parties' interest are better served. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />David Waldman, 1871 Continental View Drive, Louisville, CO disagreed with the <br />value of the Louisville Middle School's historic facade and stated it is a <br />hodgepodge of three different remodels with no particular architectural style or <br />significance. He stated the Boulder Valley School District has designed a plan, <br />which will provide a new modlern building that will serve the City for many years. <br />He did not support the City fuinding the preservation of the facade. <br />John Leary, 1116 LaFarge Avenue, Louisville, CO addressed the language of the <br />resolution and questioned wl-tether it is dealing with a problem before it is clearly <br />defined. He suggested defining the problem first and then devising a method to <br />resolve it. He stated the Historic Preservation Commission follows the guidelines <br />set by the Home Rule Charter. <br />