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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 18, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />RESOLUTION No. 11, SERIES 2008 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2008 <br />BUDGET BY INCREASING /APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR <br />THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO -Public Hearing <br />Mayor Sisk requested a Staff presentation. <br />City Manager Fleming explained Resolution No. 11, Series 2008 proposes <br />increasing the appropriations in the General Fund; Conservation Trust -Land <br />Acquisition Fund; Conservation Trust -Lottery Fund; Cemetery Perpetual Care <br />Fund; Capital Projects Fund; Library Construction Fund; Water Utility Fund; <br />Building Maintenance Fund; Technology Management Fund and Fleet <br />Management Fund. These budget amendments were requested to 1) Rollover <br />appropriations from 2007 to 2008 for projects approved in 2007 but not <br />completed in 2007 and 2) to Establish new appropriations in 2008 for proposed <br />expenditures not anticipated, or not measurable, at the time of the 2008 budget <br />adoption in November of 2007. <br />City Manager Fleming explained Staff is also proposing new expenditures for <br />2008, including a Project Manager/Consulting Assistance for the Innoprise <br />Software System; and Professional Services to complete the market analysis for <br />the revitalization area. These: appropriations were discussed at the Finance <br />Committee. <br />Mayor Sisk reported the Finannce Committee met on March 3~d, and discussed the <br />budget appropriations. He pointed out one new item is the energy efficiency <br />modifications and noted the pay back on the $139,000 is four to five years. <br />Another item discussed was t:he fund balance at the end of 2007. <br />Finance Director Watson explained the fund balance ending December 31, 2007, <br />is $1.67 million dollars, which will more than cover the requested appropriations. <br />Mayor Sisk opened the public; hearing for public comment. No comments. <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Councilor Muckle questioned the $15,000 for a GIS System needs assessment. <br />City Manager Fleming explained the necessity of identifying the needs of City <br />Departments; how the uses acre incorporated into the GIS System; what kind of <br />procedures would be implemented to ensure the information is updated; what <br />licenses are required; and how information is made available to the public. He <br />explained the $15,000 figure was derived from surveys conducted by the IT Staff <br />of the costs other cities incurred. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella rec<~Iled a Council decision that the Louisville <br />Revitalization Commission market analysis would not exceed $35,000. City <br />