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11/'20/84 <br />Page -2- <br />NEW CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mayor Meier introduced the City's new <br />TERRY HUNDLEY Administrator to everyone present. <br />Mr. Hundley stated that he looked forward <br />to working with Mayor and Council and he <br />felt his wife and family would enjoy their <br />stay in Louisville very much. <br />COUNCIL ITEMS Councilmembers had a copy of the master plan <br />PRESENTATION - LAKE PARK by Landplan Design Group, cost projections <br />MASTER PLAN of the three phases of construction, and a <br />memorandum from Director of Community Services <br />Hioco. <br />Mr.. Hioco gave a slide presentation of the <br />arE:a and stated after two months of meetings <br />with residents in the area, staff and Council, <br />concerns expressed at the meetings were ad- <br />dressed in this new master plan. His re- <br />quE~st was for Council' s guidance on how to pro- <br />ceE.d with the plan. <br />La}:e Park consists of 5 acres located south <br />of Cottonwood Park. One of the concerns ex- <br />prE~ssed was that the lake portion of the <br />park was too shallow and collected a lot of <br />mud. To address this, the proposal is to <br />widen and deepen the portion of the lake <br />to 7' and stock it with fish for children. <br />A ;second portion would be installed to act <br />as a sediment pond. Around the larger lake <br />cat-tails, natural grasses and a concrete <br />walkway from Via Appia would be constructed. <br />Mr. Hioco depicted where parking would be <br />available but was not added to the master plan. <br />A group of students from the Elementary and <br />Middle Schools requested that an area be <br />preserved for ice skating and this was <br />shown in the~~pre9entation along with slopes <br />for sledding. He also~~specified where the <br />blue grasses would be planted; also stated <br />that it is the City's responsibility to dis- <br />pore of the debris when the ditch is cleaned. <br />Financing Director Hioco then went through the various <br />phases and financing of each phase by priority, <br />It would be a 3 year project beginning in 1985 <br />depending on how much money is collected from <br />service expansion fees during these years. <br />The items eliminated in the project were the <br />boardwalk/dock area resulting in a reduction <br />of $40,000. The total cost of the project <br />would be $375,000, which would include con- <br />su]Ltant fees, rather than $470,000 as stated <br />in the distributed information. <br />