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3 The Assignee hereby <br />(a) accepts the assignment of $1,011,200 of the Assignor's Allocation from <br />the State Ceiling described above, <br />(b) agrees to use its best efforts to issue and use the Proposed Bonds for the <br />purpose of financing the Project, and <br />(c) agrees to abide by each of the terms and conditions of this Assignment in <br />connection with the use of such Allocation <br />4 The Assignor hereby consents to the election by the Assignee, if the Assignee in <br />its discretion so decides, to treat all or any portion of the assignment set forth herein as an <br />allocation for any project with a carryforward purpose <br />5 This Assignment shall not constitute the debt or indebtedness or financial <br />obligation of the Assignor within the meaning of the constitution or statutes of the State of <br />Colorado, nor give nse to a pecuniary liability or charge against the general credit or taxing <br />power of the Assignor <br />[The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank] <br />2 <br />