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11/'7/84 Page -4- <br />staff from Lafayette to discuss the agree- <br />mer.~t. Representatives from Lafayette were <br />present. At the request of Councilman Leary <br />Mr. Rupp provided maps of the service areas <br />between the two communities. <br />Attorney Rautenstraus stated that the basic <br />principle of the agreement was not changed;. <br />the. language was tightened up and clarified. <br />Mayor Bob Burger, City Mayor Burger stated that he was very pleased <br />of Lafayette that the Lafayette City Council unanimously <br />passed on the agreement last night. They <br />were very enthused about it; primarily be- <br />cause that it was the first time that three <br />entities have gotten together for the agree- <br />ment and hopefully it will continue into <br />other areas. <br />Larry Gupton, Mayor Pro- Mr. Gupton commented that he was very hope- <br />tem, City of Lafayette ful that the two cities would see things in <br />the same light on the agreement and that <br />it could move ahead and be finalized. It <br />was a benefit to both cities to have the <br />agreement in effect. He stated he hoped <br />that nothing had been left out of the agree- <br />ment that would haunt us for years to come. <br />He was hopeful that the Louisville City Coun- <br />cill too would pass favorably on the agree- <br />ment. <br />Mike Acimovic Mr. Acimovic stated the reason they asked to <br />City Administrator, meet with Louisville representatives was that <br />Lafayette the people that will interpret this agreement <br />probably aren"t here yet. In 7-10 years from <br />now when we are making open space decisions <br />together, buffering decisions, appropriate <br />outdoor recreation decisions, etc. in each <br />case we will all have to sit down and the <br />three parties will each change circumstances <br />in many cases. Therefore, the meeting was <br />held to clarify as much of the agreement as <br />possible. He was certain that the Lafayette <br />and LouisvillE~ Councils were aware that every- <br />one was involved in a pioneering effort, and <br />Boulder County graciously offered to help in <br />our mutual interests. <br />