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10/16/84 <br />Page -24- <br />staff should be complimented on that. <br />Retail Sales Councilman Leary referred to the Louisville <br />Information Sheet - the green phamphlet, and <br />stated it has retail sales $750,000 and felt <br />this was not correct. <br />Director of Financial Services Asti-Caranci <br />stated that this was not correct, she felt <br />this was sales tax rather than retail sales. <br />She would check this. <br />Mr. Rupp stated that the phamphlet had received <br />a lot of response and recevied a lot of compli- <br />ments from realtors and bankers. <br />Chamber of Commerce Mr. Leary inquired if we had responded to <br />Letter - Re: Selection the Louisville Chamber of Commerce letter <br />of the City Administrator about being able to participate in the process <br />of selecting the City. Administrator - ex- <br />plaining to them that that has been set up. <br />Mayor Meier said no - verbally he said that <br />they would be a part of that process but not <br />formally. He intended to talk with Director <br />Asti-Caranci after the meeting about that. <br />Mr. Leary felt that a notice should be sent <br />to interested people as well as putting it <br />in the paper. <br />Councilman Cussen concurred that a letter <br />of response should be sent to the Chamber <br />of Commerce and LDC by the Mayor's office. <br />Councilman Cussen Referred to Ordinance 810 - 2.68.070 and stated <br />Cost of Living Increases that he had discussed this with Attorney Rauten- <br />straus. He felt that the language was ambigu- <br />ous as to whether the City shall or will <br />grant raises to City employees. He thought <br />that the wording should be changed or repeal <br />the ordinance whatever it takes to clarify <br />the language. Requested that the City Attor- <br />ney review this and put it on an agenda in <br />the near future. <br />Condition of South Boulder Mr. Cussen stated that he was very concerned <br />Road about the progress on South Boulder Road <br />with winter setting in, both from the RR tracks <br />to Highway 42 and Via Appia up the hill. It <br />looked as though we might be facing those barri- <br />cades and lanes all winter long. Requested <br />that someone from the Public Works Dept. give <br />Council an up-date at the next Council meeting <br />on what is happening there and what the time <br />lines are. If we are not going to get asphalt <br />down what precautions are going to be taken <br />