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10/1!x/84 <br />Page -4- <br />JNDING REQUEST - BOULDER COUNTY <br />CRIME STOPPERS Councilmembers had a copy of a memo from <br /> Director of Public Safety Leesman as well <br /> as a letter from the Board of Directors of <br /> Boulder County Crime Stoppers. <br />Director of Public Safety Mr. Leesman stated in preparation of the- 1985 <br />Rod Leesman budget and the Capital Improvements Program, <br /> he felt that he would like to use the $1,500 <br /> of the $2,000 set aside to purchase another <br /> speed measuring device. The Police Dept. <br /> has one that has been in the shop now for <br /> 3 weeks and they don't have any back-up. <br /> It is needed far a moving type radar machine. <br /> Also they are participating with Boulder County <br /> Crime Stoppers with the mailing that is going <br /> out to our business community to ask for their <br /> support for this program. Mr. Leesman felt <br /> that Crime Stoppers was an excellent program. <br /> Several times during the year 1984 he contacted <br /> them and told them that there was money avail- <br /> able and they never got back with him. He <br /> also advised tYiem that he was thinking about <br /> alternatives for that funding since is was <br /> near 1985 budget time. To date the money <br /> has not been expended. Therefore, he reiterated <br /> he would like to spend $1,500 for the radar <br /> gun and the remaining $500 be given to Crime <br /> Stoppers. <br />$500 To be Given to Boulder Councilman Cussen moved, Councilman Luce <br />County Crime Stoppers Pro- seconded that Council approve $500 for the <br />gram Boulder County Crime Stoppers Program; $1,500 <br />of that which was budgeted be kept in the bud- <br />get for the purchase of the radar gun. All <br />in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />IRWIN BUILDING PERMIT Councilmembers had a copy of Ms. Irwin's <br />REQUEST building permit request as well as a map <br />depicting the location of the property. <br />Acting City Administrator Rupp advised that <br />staff had looked into this and there are some <br />permits available in the "Other" category. <br />Ms. Irwin was contacted so this item does not <br />haves to be on the agenda and would request <br />that: it be withdrawn. <br />ITEM WITHDRAWN Mayor Meier moved, Councilwoman Johnson seconded <br />that: this item be withdrawn from the regular <br />agenda. All in favor. Motion carried unani- <br />mously. <br />