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days prior to the date of the public hearing, make its preliminary findings known, in <br />writing, to the applicant and other interested parties. The report gives you the status of <br />the application and confirms the date and time of the hearing before the Authority. <br />6 Submit all fees with the application Checks should be made payable to• CITY OF <br />LOUISVILLE and COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Returned checks will <br />be assessed an additional collection fee, and the hearing date may also be postponed <br />7 The applicant or the applicant's representative must be present at the hearing to formally <br />submit the application to the Authority. Failure to appear, or to request a continuance, <br />may result in delay or denial of the application <br />8. Should your application be approved, allow 3 to 5 weeks for processing and issuance <br />Both the City of Louisville and State of Colorado licenses will be issued from the Office <br />of the Secretary to the Authority. <br />The following is an outline of the order of events/procedures for liquor and 3.2% beer <br />licensing: <br />A Complete and compile all required documentation (incomplete application forms will not <br />be accepted). <br />B Schedule appointment with Secretary to the Authority in accordance with Schedule of <br />Hearings and Application Deadlines <br />C Submit both copies of completed application to the Secretary to the Authority at the one- <br />half hour review session and set hearing date <br />3 <br />