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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />July 25, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />included in the packet. The suggested entry is on the north so as not to lose <br />space which would be required for a ramp if the entry was on Main Street. The <br />floor plan of all schemes are the same. The idea was to have flexible space. <br />For scheme 1, the screen wall provides filtered light to offices. Scheme 2 took <br />cues from architecture from historic Louisville. Scheme 3 was more <br />contemporary with more glass including a balcony on the front. <br />Based on feedback, they added scheme 4 which could include rustic/reclaimed <br />horizontal wood siding, adding facade insets to represent window impression and <br />designing a western storefront facade. <br />Mr. Roybal asked for feedback. Council member Loo asked about storage in the <br />basement. It appears to her that there is not enough and she would like <br />temperature controlled storage for the future. Roybal replied that compact <br />shelving, a system on tracks is recommended, stacking together maximizing <br />storage. It is for archival storage. The basement has 1200 sq ft less the square <br />footage for elevator and stairs. The basement can be expanded but he tried to <br />keep within the footprint of the building. He believes the Spacesaver storage will <br />be sufficient. He will consult with staff to determine needs. Ron Roybal said they <br />are looking at electronic processes that allow people to access information that <br />does not need to be displayed. Does the Master Plan address what the storage <br />need is? Current space limitations and the Museum's scope statement limit the <br />size of most donations. Most are small. Beth has worked with compact storage in <br />the past and said it is amazing. She agrees the design must have an adequate <br />amount of storage but this is just a conceptual plan. <br />ADA access was discussed. The front entry on the north allows all of the meet - <br />and -greet to be located at that area. Other doors would be for alarmed exit. <br />Council member Loo feels a door on Main Street would enhance the vitality. Ron <br />Roybal said having the door on the north allows people to discover there is a <br />bigger campus to explore. <br />Council member Loo finds screening on windows problematic from nesting birds <br />and hard to clean the windows. She likes the balcony overlooking Main Street <br />Council member Maloney asked about scheme 4 — was that a nod to historic <br />influences? Roybal said it related to historic side, offering more rustic materials <br />and the western facade. <br />Mayor Muckle said the door on Main St vs. north is an ADA issue, an operational <br />issue. He likes the north door because of lack of ramp and drawing into the <br />campus. He is reluctant about attaching the new building to the Jacoe store. He <br />likes scheme 4 with symmetric windows. He appreciates the historic materials. <br />