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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />October 9, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />LRC Commission Questions <br />DeJong said these questions are going to applicants to the LRC. He asked for feedback <br />on the questions and if there are better questions? Commissioner Menaker does not like <br />the questions. He has zero interest in what anyone's vision of Hwy 42 is. His question is <br />what does the person know about the City's vision of Hwy 42? He said the role of LRC <br />is defined by Colorado state constitution. He feels the interview process should be <br />targeted to people who are bright and integrated into community. If you are "qualified" ie: <br />TIF knowledge, you probably have a conflict of interest. He feels we do not do a good <br />job of getting new members up to speed and that the questions are misguided and <br />agendized. <br />Commissioner Jochen does not see this as re -litigating and feels he was brought up to <br />speed by DeJong. <br />Interim City Manager Balser asked for feedback from other Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Lathrop said the LRC has a specific task and feels most questions are ok, <br />except role in relation to City Council. He said he would ask what does LRC do? What is <br />Hwy 42 plan? Background of urban renewal is not a bad question. <br />Commissioner Jochen said before he applied, he went on website and looked at <br />projects. Information is available to bring yourself up to speed. Does not feel questions <br />are harmful. Chair Fisher agrees. <br />Commissioner Tofte feels question about Hwy 42 is too broad. <br />Interim City Manager Balser will provide feedback to staff. <br />Items for Next Meeting November 13, 2017 <br />Update on Arnold property <br />DELO lofts east <br />Commissioner Comments: <br />Jochen moved to Longmont at the end of July. Regrettably he cannot continue to <br />participate as a member of LRC. Randy Caranci asked why Board &Commission <br />members must be residents? The LRC formation documents require Commissioners to <br />be residents. City Charter also requires appointees to Boards and Commissions be <br />residents. <br />Commissioner Tofte said the parking lot on the east side of underpass is striped and <br />things look good. <br />Adjourn — The meeting adjourned at 8:55 am <br />4 <br />