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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />September 21, 2004 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested an applicant presentation. <br /> <br />Linda L. Bishop, Director of Real Estate for the Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 S. Steele <br />Street, Denver, CO, explained the St. Louis Parish, a member of the Archdiocese of <br />Denver, and two neighbors, Adrian Games, and Richard and Mary Johnson are <br />requesting approval of the rezoning of the 53 acres located at intersection of 96th Street <br />and Dillon Road. Each of the owners has collectively spent a substantial amount of <br />energy, time and money in the process. They have worked with the City and followed <br />their direction. She noted at this point the parties remain dedicated to the continuation of <br />this process developing the 53 acres to a noteworthy entry into the City, and providing <br />good to the community and a good foundation for years to come. She identified the <br />following people in attendance: Peter Stewart will represent Adrian Games; Richard and <br />Mary Johnson, Ray Caranci, Chairperson for the St. Louis Parish Building Committee, <br />and Father Timothy Gaines. <br /> <br />Peter Stewart, 1132 Jefferson Avenue, Louisville, CO, representing the Games family, <br />reviewed the history of their property, which was purchased in 1987 with the intent to <br />develop a commercial land use. A proposal for tennis courts, athletic facility, and a club <br />house was received favorably by the City Council. The Planning Commission found the <br />proposal to be consistent with the Comprehensive Development Plan and the Special <br />Review Use criteria. However, at that time there were infrastructure issues. The Games <br />Family worked with their neighbors to create a more comprehensive plan and solved <br />many of the issues. <br /> <br />Richard Johnson, 1318 S. 96th Street, Louisville, CO stated when he purchased the <br />property 13 years ago; it was a piece of country property with very little traffic. He noted <br />all the changes to the properties and the surrounding area. He noted the annexation <br />agreement outlined the property owners' right to request rezoning. He emphasized the <br />proposal represents a quality project that will be an asset to Louisville. <br /> <br />Ray Caranci, 9680 Robert Avenue, Lafayette, CO, St. Louis Parish Building Committee <br />Chairperson, reviewed the history of the church property and the planning process. He <br />requested Council approval of the rezoning. <br /> <br />Father Timothy Gaines, 361 Truman Court, Louisville, Pastor of the St. Louis Parish, <br />stated he represents the 2,000 parishioners of the St. Louis Church. He emphasized the <br />current church is too small for the community. He stressed that money to build the new <br />church and school will come from the commercial development on the site. <br /> <br />Frank Sinkule, 172 S. Raintree Lane, Louisville, CO, voiced his support of the St. Louis <br />proposal and the rezoning. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Council member Keany asked for the square footage for each zone. <br /> <br /> <br />