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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 8 th, 2017 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />X. Discussion Item: Positions Available for January OSAB Elections <br />Helen reminded that board that in January there will be elections for OSAB chair, <br />vice chair, and secretary. She would like to begin discussing this topic early to ease the <br />leadership team transition. Laura announced that she is planning to run for chair, so we <br />may need a new secretary. No one expressed a keen interest in that role. <br />XI. Discussion Item: Review & Updates on 2017 OSAB Goals <br />Ember put up the 2017 Goals spreadsheet that the board developed in January. <br />The board went through each subsection and discussed progress. <br />Acquisition —Helen reported that progress was good in this subsection. The <br />only goal left to achieve is filling in the "Opportunities for Preserving Open Space and <br />Improving Trail Connectivity" document, and that is a goal for 2018. <br />Resource Management— Laura said that the board has been continuing to <br />advocate for management, making these goals on-going, but achieved. <br />Wayfinding— Helen reported that the board had hoped to have more specific <br />achievements, but the 2017 projects got kicked out to 2018, partly because of the <br />budget shortfalls of the Recreation/Senior Center remodel. Jeff suggested that the board <br />advocate for wayfinding to get into Council's biennial budget review during 2018. Helen <br />asked if there was a way to re -scope the projects so they don't hit the capital level, but <br />stay under the operations budget. The goal would be to get some of new signs out into <br />the system, hopefully generating support and feedback. Jeff suggested that if there <br />were some small, visible progress before the March Council budget discussions it could <br />be persuasive. Jim asked if the wayfinding plan includes better rules and regulation <br />signs, since the current ones are small and hard to read. Helen answered yes, but <br />cautioned that one big sign could burn through the $5000 operational ceiling. Helen felt <br />that OSAB has not made much progress on Wayfinding topics this year. <br />Dog Issues—Mike reported that he and Keaton from PPLAB took a hiatus from <br />meeting because PPLAB wants to explore the option of putting a dog park on the <br />Mayhoffer land, but they wanted to wait until after the Mayhoffer acquisition was <br />finalized. <br />Education & Outreach—Helen and Ember said that all these goals had been met. <br />Helen added that this was a fitting tribute to Linda, who championed this area. <br />General Business— All of these goals were checked off, except for the joint <br />meeting with another municipality, which the board decided to table for 2017. <br />XII. Discussion: Board Recommendations on Clementine Development Review. <br />Presented by Allan Gill, Parks Project Manager <br />Allan reminded the board that it reviewed this project a year ago. Developers of <br />the proposed Clementine Commons development want to use a sliver of City -owned <br />land to build a detention pond for the new houses and other improvements. Rob said <br />that one reason they were coming back to the board was that OSAB's first comment <br />from the last meeting asked that the developer commit to improvements tied to the <br />appraised value of the City's land. He reported that the appraisal had been done, and <br />the land was worth $12,000 standing alone (more in larger context), and that number <br />may not be relevant to the value of the improvements. Staff wants OSAB to clarify what <br />it wants to request of the developer. <br />Eric Hartronft, the developer, was present. He suggested that the value of the <br />land is probably understating the improvements that will be spent on the land. He said <br />that the detention pond will also serve the Sunnyside affordable housing project which is <br />part of the Louisville Housing Authority, so the pond itself will benefit the City. Allan <br />5 <br />