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practical safeguardmg of persons and property from the hazards ansmg from the <br />use of electricity and minimum standards relatmg to the mstallation of electncal <br />conductors and equipment within or on public and pnvate buildings and other <br />structures, including mobile homes, recreational vehicles and floating dwelling <br />units, and other premises such as yards, carnivals, parking and other lots, and <br />industrial substations The National Electrical Code provides for the issuance of <br />permits, mspechons and the collection of fees therefor The National Electrical <br />Code is adopted in full and without amendments, mcludmg the outlme of <br />contents, index and all appendices thereto <br />Sec. 15.48.020.- Copies on file. <br />At least one copy of the 2017 National Electric Code, certified to be true <br />and accurate, shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Building <br />Safety Division, between the hours of 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m , Monday through <br />Fnday, holidays excepted The city clerk shall at all times mamtam a reasonable <br />supply of copies of the code available for purchase by the public at a moderate <br />price <br />Sec. 15.48.030: Permit fees. <br />The permit fees for electncal work within the city shall be calculated in <br />accordance with the fee adopted by resolution of the city council from time to <br />time <br />Sec. 15.48.040.- Interpretation. <br />In case of a dispute or a question regarding the interpretation of the <br />National Electrical Code where the matter is not specified by ordmance of the <br />city, the mterpretation of the state electrical board and their pohcies shall prevail <br />and be enforced as part of the National Electrical Code by the city <br />Sec. 15.48.050: Violations. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, buildmg supenntendent, building <br />manager, contractor, contractor's superintendent, corporation or other entity to <br />violate any of the provisions of this chapter or the terms of the code or standards <br />adopted and incorporated in this chapter Any person convicted of a violation of <br />any provision of this chapter or of the provisions of the code or standards adopted <br />and incorporated m this chapter shall be subject to the penalty provided m section <br />1 28 010 <br />Section 3. If any article, section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this <br />ordmance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect <br />the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordmance The City Council <br />Ordinance No 1751, Senes 2017 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />