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Louisville <br />COLORADO • S1NC N ; <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />SUBJECT: <br />DATE: <br />2019/2020 BIENNIAL BUDGET PROCESS AND FORMAT <br />JANUARY 23, 2018 <br />PRESENTED BY: HEATHER BALSER, CITY MANAGER <br />KEVIN WATSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR <br />EMILY HOGAN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER <br />SUMMARY: <br />In 2016, City Council adopted the first biennial budget for 2017-2018 along with the <br />2017-2021 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). This was also the first time the budget <br />was organized into 10 program areas and 38 sub -programs. The intent of these <br />changes was to reduce staff time dedicated to the budget on an annual basis, to make it <br />easier for the public to understand where the City invests their taxes and fees to provide <br />services, and for City Council to evaluate how efficiently and effectively the City uses <br />those resources to achieve the objectives of each sub -program. <br />Both years of the first biennial budget have now been approved by City Council and <br />staff would like to evaluate the process and format and see if there is an opportunity for <br />improvements. Staff found that the process for the biennial budget did in fact reduce <br />staff time spent preparing and updating the operational and capital budgets for 2018. <br />City Council reviewed the proposed CIP and revenue assumptions in June, <br />consolidated it with operational expenses in September, and adopted the recommended <br />budget in November. <br />Additionally, there were a number of financial or budgetary issues raised throughout <br />2017 that required direction from City Council. Staff recommends creating an annual <br />budget process to address such issues that are likely to be raised again in future years <br />as the biennial budget continues. Attached is a draft budget calendar and discussion <br />topics to show what the biennial budget process could look like for City Council in 2018 <br />regarding the proposed 2019-2020 budget: <br />January 16th — Review 2018 City Council Work Plan <br />January 23rd — Review biennial budget process, format and calendar and discuss <br />additional financial/budgetary information requested <br />February 20th — Open for future discussion topic <br />March 20th — Evaluate City's programs, goals and key performance indicators <br />April 17th — Open for future discussion topic <br />May 15th — Open for future discussion topic <br />June 12th — Review CIP requests and revenue update <br />July 17th — Evaluate City's financial policies and cost recovery/fee structure for <br />Recreation Center and golf <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />