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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />November 14, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />principles to craft. Decisions will have to be made. There have to be articulable <br />reasons to choose or not choose art. Zoss explained that these are basic, <br />general guidelines. <br />Mayor Muckle said some of the criteria fit. There was discussion of criteria. <br />Council member Maloney believes conceptually it is a great idea. He asked if <br />there has there been thought to having art on loan, Zoss replies that this plan <br />relates to items that the City would own. Council member Maloney said rotating <br />art on loan is an interesting idea to consider. He would like that opportunity <br />available. Other communities have art -on -loan policies the City can draw from. <br />Council member Stolzmann said the criteria are subjective. She expects lively <br />debate. She thinks Cultural Council is the right place for art decisions. She <br />thinks the debate will be good. She believes the art on loan program should be <br />explored. Rotating art is positive. She has no desire to have Council debate and <br />decide on suitable art. She feels the Cultural Council is the place to debate art. <br />Council member Maloney said they are an advisory board. Council member <br />Stolzmann is fine with an appeal process. <br />Council member Stolzmann had questions about things that happened in the <br />past and how the policy addresses them. ie: mural on shed on public property. <br />Zoss answered the question, indicating that the public art policy would create a <br />standard process wherein the group wanting to create the mural would go to the <br />LCC for evaluation, public notice would be made, the LCC would vote on whether <br />to recommend the project and Council would vote on whether to accept that <br />recommendation. Council member Stolzmann wants to make sure that less <br />formal creativity is encouraged and would like a mechanism for less formal art. <br />Council member Leh asked whose decision will this be. There needs to be an <br />appeal process. What will Council role be? Mayor Muckle said it does not have <br />to be a bureaucratic burden. He would like Council to have a role in it. Who will <br />be the final arbiter of good taste? Staff will bring options to Council. Council <br />member Maloney said this would be below a policy decision. <br />Council member Leh said having to make an art decision is below the "pay <br />grade" of a volunteer board. Council member Maloney said we have done it with <br />other boards, ie: asking PPLAB to make a decision about the cottonwood trees. <br />Zoss said there are two paths: Council meeting can make the decision of every <br />single piece. Or Council can have LCC make decisions and have some appeal <br />process if there is an issues. It can be delegated to the City Manager. Council <br />would like staff to bring options. <br />Mayor Muckle thanked Zoss for the presentation. <br />