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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />November 14, 2017 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />gaps. Then we will know where to focus and what are the priorities and how to <br />prioritize. <br />Mayor Muckle said there is value in the master plan piece. We may want to <br />define deliverables. First look can be broad but then come to specific outcome. <br />The technology piece should be considered to see if there are things that make <br />sense to do now. <br />Council member Stolzmann said the consultant should be sure to ask Council for <br />citizen input. She wants strong deliverables. <br />Director Davis said Council provide input first on what they have heard, then <br />taskforce to guide process, then proposed goals, with deliverables tied to the <br />goals. <br />Director Kowar said to get a menu approach to have more control over what you <br />are spending. <br />John Leary said through traffic has been response to decisions we have made. <br />We are responsible for some of it. The process reflects how we did the <br />comprehensive plan. The public did not have enough information to see the <br />future. The final comprehensive plan did not reflect what the public thought they <br />were getting. He does not like the scope list. He would like Public Works and <br />Police Department involved. <br />Council member Stolzmann said to pick two links you think are worth reading and <br />present to Council. <br />Discussion — Draft Louisville 2018 Legislative Agenda <br />Assistant to the City Manager Emily Hogan presented a draft of the Legislative <br />Agenda for the purpose to formalize our 2018 priorities when meeting with <br />legislators. Staff asked for feedback on legislative agenda. <br />Discussion: <br />Home rule local control <br />Take that and put as 3rd bullet. Though we have opted out, they could roll back <br />authority that we have. <br />Tax and Finance Policy <br />2nd bullet Council member Stolzmann supports efforts to collect on internet sales. <br />Take out "voluntary" <br />Public health and safety <br />Last bullet — to clarify where people can consume. <br />