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EIAF #8550 — Louisville MAC Gym Expansion <br />6. STATEMENT OF WORK <br />A. Completion <br />Grantee shall complete the Work and its other obligations as described herein and in Exhibit B Except as <br />specified in §2 above, the State shall not be liable to compensate Grantee for any Work performed prior to <br />the Effective Date or after the termination of this Grant. <br />B. Goods and Services <br />Grantee shall procure Goods and Services necessary to complete the Work. Such procurement shall be <br />accomplished using the Grant Funds and shall not increase the maximum amount payable hereunder by the <br />State <br />C. Employees <br />All persons employed by Grantee or Subgrantees shall be considered Grantee's or Subgrantees' <br />employee(s) for all purposes hereunder and shall not be employees of the State for any purpose as a result <br />of this Grant. <br />7. PAYMENTS TO GRANTEE <br />The State shall, in accordance with the provisions of this §7, pay Grantee in the following amounts and using the <br />methods set forth below: <br />A. Maximum Amount <br />The maximum amount payable under this Grant to Grantee by the State is $825,000.00 (EIGHT <br />HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND and XX/100 DOLLARS), as determined by the State from <br />available funds. Grantee agrees to provide any additional funds required for the successful completion of <br />the Work. Payments to Grantee are limited to the unpaid obligated balance of the Grant as set forth in <br />Exhibit B <br />B. Payment <br />i. Advance, Interim and Final Payments <br />Any payment allowed under this Grant or in Exhibit B shall comply with State Fiscal Rules and be <br />made in accordance with the provisions of this Grant or such Exhibit. Grantee shall initiate any <br />payment requests by submitting invoices to the State in the form and manner set forth and approved by <br />the State. <br />ii. Interest <br />The State shall not pay interest on Grantee invoices. The State shall fully pay each invoice within 45 <br />days of receipt thereof if the amount invoiced represents performance by Grantee previously accepted <br />by the State. <br />iii. Available Funds -Contingency -Termination <br />The State is prohibited by law from making fiscal commitments beyond the term of the State's current <br />fiscal year Therefore, Grantee's compensation is contingent upon the continuing availability of State <br />appropriations as provided in the Colorado Special Provisions, set forth below. If federal funds are <br />used with this Grant in whole or in part, the State's performance hereunder is contingent upon the <br />continuing availability of such funds. Payments pursuant to this Grant shall be made only from <br />available funds encumbered for this Grant and the State's liability for such payments shall be limited <br />to the amount remaining of such encumbered funds. If State or federal funds are not fully <br />appropriated, or otherwise become unavailable for this Grant, the State may immediately terminate <br />this Grant in whole or in part to the extent of funding reduction without further liability in accordance <br />with the provisions herein <br />iv. Erroneous Payments <br />At the State's sole discretion, payments made to Grantee in error for any reason, including, but not <br />limited to overpayments or improper payments, and unexpended or excess funds received by Grantee, <br />may be recovered from Grantee by deduction from subsequent payments under this Grant or other <br />grants or agreements between the State and Grantee or by other appropriate methods and collected as a <br />debt due to the State. Such funds shall not be paid to any person or entity other than the State. <br />C. Use of Funds <br />Grant Funds shall be used only for eligible costs identified herein and/or in Exhibit B <br />Page 5 of 20 <br />