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Senior Advisory Board Minutes 2008 08 19
2008 Senior Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Senior Advisory Board Minutes 2008 08 19
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SABMIN 2008 08 19
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SeniorAdvisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />8119108 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />The Council is working toward the Comprehensive Plan update and next year's <br />budget. Citizen response to questions about the comprehensive plan in the <br />citizen survey was appreciative. Revenues are looking okay, with the exception <br />of use taxes for cars. Steel and gas prices are up so sales taxes on cars are <br />down. The historic tax of 25 cents per $100 will be on the ballot in November. <br />This tax should bring in about $340,000 per year, which will go towards historic <br />preservation. We want to work with residential and commercial landholders. <br />Everything will go through the scrutiny of the public hearing process. The <br />meaning of "historic" was reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. <br />The City plans to buy the Post Office property on Front Street. In the long term, <br />with FasTraks, there could be parking dawn there. The lease ends in February <br />2009. They want a smaller facili#y downtown. Connie referred to a sign at the <br />Vectra Bank in the Safeway shopping center on S. Boulder Road that the post <br />office will move in there. <br />Bob P brought up that the number one item respondents deemed important in <br />the citizen survey was safe neighborhoods and the second was open space. <br />Dave said that Louisville likes to buy land under the "willing seller" proposal and <br />there may be some such land coming up for sale. Wait O stressed the <br />importance of keeping a post office in downtown Louisville, that there might be <br />some good reasons, such as accessibility to downtown, far the city to keep a <br />post office in its present location. Dave said the city could renegotiate. Bob P <br />suggested the city could rent the space to the post office. Claire F brought up <br />that respondents to the survey indicated there was not enough affordable <br />housing in Louisville. Dave said the Council would continue to have discussions <br />with developers about it. Claire F asked if the Council was talking to specialists <br />in affordable housing such as Thistle. Dave noted the question and suggested <br />the Advisory Board talk to Sheri Marcella. Walt O said that zoning problems <br />came up in the Housing Committee's discussions with Paul Wood. He said <br />people are not asking for subsidized housing, just housing divided into smaller <br />units, and close to shopping and transportation. The zoning does not meet these <br />requirements. <br />Road projects: City had to buy some easements, but project will start soon. Hwy <br />42 may start next year. <br />Bob P asked about the old Wal Mart building, mentioned in dune meeting as to <br />be used for senior housing. Dave said that was Lafayette's plan for senior and <br />moderate-income housing. <br />Treasurer's Report Walt Oehlkers. Walt handed out his report. In response <br />to Connie's question whether she was still holding on to the checks for the senior <br />lunch program, Claudine said she hadn't asked for the check to be written yet as <br />she hasn't heard from the city as to whether they will fund the lunches. Kathy <br />
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